Chapter 21 - Changing...

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~~ Kay ~~

The man walked into the restaurant like a runway model. Behind his thick glasses and intimidating aura was immense power that he holds.

Before he came, I was so confident that I hold an information in my hand which is so crucial that he will be intimidated by me.

His wedding is hoax. He married to bring down his father. Or maybe not even that. Maybe his purpose was to cause discomfort to his father and step-brother. While this is so understandable, it is very cunning act as well.

So I was very sure that I will be able to make him look down on himself and his antics.

And all that for the guy whom I haven't been able to forget ever. My first love. Nanon.

It irks me to think of him to share a bed with some other guy. When he was out of sight, he was out of mind. I had somehow accepted that I was rejected. But when I met him again and saw some other guy clinging to him, I felt so weird that I couldn't handle myself.

It made me so mad that I straightaway attacked him through press. I wanted them to breakup. I wanted Ohm Pawat to save his name. But he instead chose to make it legal.

This guy who is now taking a seat in front of me pulling out his glasses and boring his eyes into mine fiercely is actually a dangerous man. Because he has all the power in the world and he fears no one.

A fake news will not defame him. Any sort of publicity will also get him publicity. He is that huge of a name. The only thing that can affect him is the same thing that can affect me. Nanon.

And so I am going to make it affect him from now. Why? Because I am pissed off. Also because I still want him to breakup with Nanon.

"Good morning Mr. Lertsittichai. Hope you are in good health." Ohm Pawat said with a slight smirk on his face.

"Good Morning Mr. Pawat. Are we talking about mental health or physical health here? Because physically I am all fine but mentally my heart aches to see someone suffer because of his dominant husband." I smirked in response too.

"Oh. You sure do care about other's husbands a lot more than you should."

I clenched my jaw. "Stop making Nanon suffer." I said in a pressing tone.

"As expected out of any reporter, you are too judgmental." He smiled at me irking me more. "Do you know 1 hour of my time costs in billions? I hope you have a good reason to call me. Because I am not sure if you will be able to pay for wasting my time."

I glared at him for a moment before smiling again. "Whether my reason for calling you here is worth or not that completely depends on you..."

He looked at me plainly without blinking. He sure does make me scared a bit. But today I am not going to back away.

"Why don't you let Nanon free?" I asked straightaway. "What is it that is binding him to you?"

For the first time I saw his expression changing. His blank eyes for once turned into a death glare before he contained himself again. "Marriage." He replied.

I chuckled sarcastically. "Marriage? A fake marriage! Do you think I don't know? I have my ways to know the truth."

"Whatever be the reason is between two legal aged adults to marry each other should be none of anybody's concern."

This guy will not back down. Showing attitude to him is like banging your head on the wall. I took a deep breath gulping down my pride once. Because if I want him to be shaken up, it will be through feelings and not with arrogance.

Coincidental Husbands - 3 : The Media MessWhere stories live. Discover now