Chapter 11 - First Night Together

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~~ Nanon ~~

"What is all this?" I asked looking wide eyed at the guy who was taking off his coat.


"Why am I in the same room as yours?" Why am I even supposed to ask this question? What is this psycho up to? I should have known something was up when he asked me to dress up nicely. "I told you we are not going to have our honeymoon." I snapped.

"I am not asking you to sleep with me." He said plainly. I looked at the single bed in the room and then back at him. "I mean; I am not asking you to literally sleep with me. But we need to stay in a room."

"Why? There is nobody here in front of whom we need to pretend. Or tell me clearly, you have other intentions. Right?"

"And what other intentions I may have?" He turned to me now unbuttoning his shirt.

"S-s-s-s-s-s-stop... Stop right there." I took a few steps back till I reached a window and covered myself with a curtain.

"You are actually crazy." He smirked. "Listen, in front of my sister, we do have to pretend. And she stays with me." He took a few clothes from the cupboard and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I looked around the huge room. This is the first time I am seeing someone else's room. For us who stay in a dorm room, our house is as much as our room. There is no other separate bedroom.

Though I used to have one when I used to stay with my family. I remember I decorated it with my favourite things. It was all thrashed when they took over the house. They did not even allow me to take a keychain with me out of that house.

This room is way bigger than that though. There is a balcony separated by a glass sliding door. There is a huge window with two layered curtains. A shelf with lots of books which all seems to be related to management and hoteliers.

A black wall clock, white bed, grey couch, white lamp, black chair, dark wooden doors... It is all so expensive yet dull. Colourless. Just like that face of his.

But the laughter I had seen today was so different. In that moment, he seemed human. Why am I recalling that?

My eyes landed on a picture. A picture where I saw two familiar smiles. Aim was smiling the brightest, while Ohm was smiling the same way as he did earlier. In between I am assuming is their birth mother. A pretty and elegant lady holding her two children on her sides and smiling brightly. Looking at Ohm and Aim in the picture, I feel that they both loved her a lot. And they both seem to be carefree as well. Especially Ohm.

Then there was another picture of Ohm holding a rugby trophy in rugby uniform. He seems happy. Looking at this makes me feel that a guy like him, is trying to keep his happy times alive by keeping these photos near. The photos of his childhood. When he was actually truly happy.

And then there was one last photo. Ohm was again smiling bright in it. And then I recalled the face of the girl standing close to him. Ink Suwan. The bride I saw today...

The bathroom door opened and Ohm came out in lose white shirt and pants.

"What all do you need at night? Tell me I'll arrange for you." He said drying off his hair with a towel.

Don't open your mouth Nanon... Don't ask... Don't ask... "You and Ink... Don't seem to be just friends." Fuck! Me and my big mouth.

He threw the towel in a laundry basket I never saw was there earlier and then started the hair dryer. "Will you be ok with my clothes instead? Tomorrow we will get your luggage here."

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