"Oh my gosh," I screamed, looking behind me, "Where is this?"

"It's called Pincio Terrace," one of the guards shouted as they all assembled like the Avengers. I got off the go-cart and walked to the edge; of course, many guards cringed at the sight of me coming close to another ledge again, so I kept my distance.

It was beautiful.

It looked like Rome was on fire.

A painting brought to life and every person a compliment to the architecture.

"Do you like the view, Lady Chance?"

I looked over at Arturo, pulling out his earpiece radio, crossing his arms over his chest, and looking at a distance. I nodded, unable to form a sentence at such a breathtaking view.

"Over there," he pointed towards the left, "You'll be able to reach the Spanish Steps."

"Really," I spun around, looking at Arturo, "Is it as beautiful as people say?"

He nodded as if he were a proud parent, "Especially on evenings like this."

"Let's go there," I gasped, rushing in that direction.

"Wait, wait," Alessandro stood before me, raising his hand. He looked winded, "We need to clear the area for you to go, Lady Chance."

"No, you don't," I sidestepped him, "Just don't follow me close, and you won't give me away." Alessandro looked like he was going to say something more, but I sidestepped him and walked toward the Spanish steps. I could hear Alessandro shouting orders and shuffling and car engines roaring to a life filled the once quiet air. As I requested, Arturo and Alessandro stayed reasonably far from me. If I didn't know better, I would think they had left me alone, but in every corner were at least two guards shadowing me at safe distances. I walked past what was once an abandoned restaurant and a sign that read Belvedere. As I continued down the path, I came across a lovely restaurant that overlooked Rome, a rooftop cocktail bar. I was welcomed with the most magnificent view as I turned the corner. Below me were the Spanish Steps that led to gorgeous stores like Dior, Furla, and Moncler.

"Wow," I breathed. Arturo was joking. It was gorgeous at night. There was a small crowd of people, which made it ten times better. This place would look sad without people. I took a deep breath, enjoying the faint smell of cigarettes and coffee. I hurried down the steps, pulling my phone out, and taking as many photos as possible. Everything looked like it was a work of art. How can a country be so unbelievably beautiful? It's so unfair. I saw Alessandro watching in the distance. I waved at him, "Alessandro! Take my photo, please!" He was startled at me calling him. He looked around as if nervous someone would find out who I was. I doubt anyone will recognize me in this large crowd. I waved for him again when he didn't budge, "Hurry," I shouted.

Alessandro hurried over to me, taking my phone in his hand, "I'm going to stand in the crowd and get a video that focuses on me, but people are walking around me. Do you know what I mean?"

Alessandro nodded his head, still looking around like, at any moment, a sniper would kill me.

"Will you relax, Alessandro? I am not royalty; no one is out to get me," I patted his shoulder, "But I will get you if you make me look bad," I pointed at my phone and then ran down the steps and got into the crowd before turning around to face him. He made motions around him, I assume to the guards hiding in the public and buildings. "Alessandro, stop taking so long," I screamed, making people around me flinch at my voice. "Sorry, sorry," I waved my hand before glaring at Alessandro. He raised his phone, nodding his head to me that he was finally recording. God, he looked like a caveman who was just introduced to technology with the way he was holding it.

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