(just imagine the hat isn't there unless you like it)

When I was ready I walked down and played with Lynix for a bit until Filly come downstairs. We made sure we had everything and where ready to go. So we walked out and locked the doors once again I checked if my gun was securely fastened in between my waistband and hip. Just in case. I hopped in passenger seat and fastened my seatbelt I grabbed the aux-cable and started listening to music. After a couple minutes of me and Filly just vibing, singing and dancing Filly turned to me and begun talking.

"Sooooo Mani I have something to tell you" "What do you have tell me? Do you have a girl? Did u kill someone?"

"No I need to tell u where we are heading" "Finally so where are we going?" "Oke before I tell u you need to promise me you wont get mad"

"Filly what did you do" "I may or may not forgot to mention that we were going to meet up with some friends of mine" "Felipe Barientos why did you have to do this, you know I don't like it when you pull shit like this"

"I know Mani and I'm sorry but it's a great opportunity to meet new people"

"Ugh why do you always care about me meeting new people" "Because I fucking care about you Armani and I don't want u to always be stuck in your thoughts about your past. So you need to fucking let go and make new friends because they can help you get over your past but what do I know"

"Exactly you don't know anything" Filly just sighed and with that the conversation was cut to an end, it was just me and my thoughts alone.

After a long silence ride we arrived at the house it was pretty big and kind of good looking but then again the outside doesn't say anything about the inside. When I unbuckled my seatbelt Filly spoke up "Listen I'm sorry Armani I just really care about you and I just thought that it would be nice for you to meet other people"

I just looked at him and walked toward the door.



When Filly got out and rang the doorbell a small guy with two space buns on his head which really showed his triangle formed head. opened the door. That must be the guy Filly violated when they were playing COD. When the guy looked up at me he looked at Filly and then began talking "Yo Filly long time no see" the little guy said while letting us in

"What u talking about I was here yesterday?" "Oh yeah I forgot about that, So who is this" The little guy said while looking me up and down.

"This is my younger cousin Mani" "Nice to meet you Mani I'm AJ" I just gave him a little nod and walked to the living room where were like 5 other friends of Filly's I guess.

They all looked up at me and Filly for a couple seconds before the little guy AJ began talking "Yo guys this is Mani Filly's younger cousin" They all just murmured a hey or nice to meet you.



After I just took a sit on the couch I saw a girl I really didn't expect to see a girl here but just expect the unexpected. Without even noticing I sat next to the guy named Darkest that was over at Filly's a couple days ago he just looked up and greeted me with hesitation.

"Yo Mani long time no see u good"  "Yup." He just nodded and got back to what he was doing.

I began watching 2 dudes playing Fifa 23 until I heard a voice speak up. "Soooo Mani how old are you then?" Sharky asked me and everyone just turned to me waiting for my response. "23." And they just nodded. Until the girl spoke up. "Ey guys why don't we introduce our selves" everyone just nodded and the girl began with introducing herself "Jada I'm 24" Then the others followed. "I'm Amine but they call me Chunkz" "I'm Sharky" "I'm Aj" "I'm Darkest" "I'm Kenny"

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