Chapter 7: Ayase Yuki

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It's break time. While waiting for the fourth-period which is physical education, here I am getting my ears pulled while getting commanded to get on my knees inside the classroom which earned laughters from both the genders but was immediately shut up by Alya herself.

Damn, she's scary.

The door slid open revealing Yagami's figure in a PE uniform.

"What's this, Kujou-senpai? Is Ayanokouji-senpai getting punished for something? I bet she caught you cheating on her, am I right Ayanokouji-senpai?" Yagami laughed.

"What?! Kujou-san and Ayanokouji-kun are dating?!

"No way! How is that even possible?"

"What's so special about him, anyway?"

"I guess everyone has their own preferences. Right, Kujou-san?"

"N-No, that's not it! Kiyo-kun and I aren't dating!" Alya shouted. [Yet...]

The last part...

"Yagami, stop spreading false rumors, will you?" I said, reprimanding him..

I know that it might look Yagami is just checking in on us as a member of the student council in other people's eyes, but to me he look like he is up to something. But if I have to guess he is here to challenge me.

"Fine, fine. But senpais, I'm afraid to tell you that you all are underestimating Ayanokouji-senpai's physical capabilities far too low. Isn't that right, Ayanokouji-senpai? How about we wipe the floor with them later on in a volleyball match and show that you really are worthy of dating Kujou-senpai?"

Alya blushed from the side and looked at the window instead to hide her reaction.

"Eh?! Is Ayanokouji-kun really that physically capable, Yagami-kun?"

"I mean, the last 60.6 kilograms of pressure he exerted from that grip test last time we checked says it..."

"Yeah, but I still think that Yagami is overestimating Ayanokouji."

"I know, right? But we'll see it all later, anyways."

I knew it. He is forcing me to agree with him by publicly announcing my real capabilities.

And since Alya's reputation is in the line here and the fact that he spreads rumors such as me dating Alya, I couldn't refuse his request. And since he knows that Alya is running for president and I am her campaign manager, if he said something like this and everyone believes him, my plan on making Alya compete and win for the position of student council president will fail.

So I have no other choice but to showcase my capabilities and be a bit serious about this matter so I can influence and boost Alya's standings along with mine now that her reputation has started cracking.

Well, I will be showing it later on anyways.

I sighed. I would've accepted his challenge even if he doesn't do this.

"I told you already didn't I yagami? Alya and I aren't dating. But okay, I'll play with you guys."

"Then, it is my pleasure playing with you, senpai."

This guy is like a pizza cutter. Normally, he might be seen as a sharp student, but when it came to me he is like all edge and zero point especially that time we fought inside the student council room.

However, what he said can be interpreted into two meaning: a playful way or a threatening way.

It's finally time for our match. We played 6 vs 6, just a normal volleyball play would go.

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