Chapter 5

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It was the next morning when I woke up bright and early. I rush to the place I was yesterday since they told me I could see Lena. "Can I see her now?" I peek my head in the door and see Tony sleeping and Bruce working on something.

"Yes. Come in" he whispers. I slowly walk to her and shake her. Just a little. "Leave me alone Tony" she groans. She opens her eyes to see mine and smiles. "You feeling better?" I ask her as she tries sitting up. I help her so that she's not in too much pain.

"Here. Take this and this" Tony walks up to us with pulls and a Morgan in his arms. He sets Morgan down on the bed gently and leaves. "Mommy said that we need to give you lots of kisses to make you feel better" the little girl spoke before she kisses Lena everywhere making her laugh.

For the whole morning, I sat there with the two of them and talked about life. Morgan did most of the talking but I'm not complaining.

It was now lunch time so Morgan ran off. "I'll bring you something and I'll stay" she nods and I walk out. I still don't really know this place but I'm trying. I walk down a hall and I think it's the wrong one since I see someone with a red face and a stone on his forehead.

"Kitchen is that way" I nod and turn around. I walk for a bit until I felt someone following me so I turn around only to be met by a red hand.

That's when I blacked out.


I have this shooting pain in my head. What happened? I open my eyes and look around the room. It's a dark room but I can see some things in it. "Finally. You're awake. It's been three days" the same person spoke and walked up to me.

I backed away as far as I could. "Do you really think you can have Wanda all to yourself?" He questions me. Wanda? "Is this what this is about?" I chuckle. "No, it's about the moon. Yes it's about her!" he yelled.

I just chuckle and look him dead in the eyes. "If you say so...toaster" maybe I shouldn't have said that because I now have a bloody nose. "Your week" I spit out making him punch me over and over again.

I couldn't see much anymore but before I passed out, there was a bright light and people walking out of it. "We found her" the hell?


I wake up to some beeping noises. "Shut it off" I groan while opening my eyes. "Can't. Sorry" I see Bruce testing something on the machine. "Where have you been!?" Yelena rushes to me and pulls me into a hug. "I'm glad someone is feeling better" I joke but she wasn't having it.

"I don't know where I was" I told her. Then Wanda walks in. She looks like she's been crying all day for the past three days. "Did Vision do this?" Like I'm supposed to know who that is. "Who's that?" She sighs and walks towards me and gives me a quick hug.

"He has a red face" oh that's him. "You mean toaster" Lena chuckles but Wanda looks furious. "But I'm fine" I reassured her. "Oh my god! You're okay" mom makes her way to me and inspects me. "Now that she's okay, we can leave" this woman spoke.

I don't know who it is but she has this 'S' on her chest. "Yeah, we should do" then another woman spoke. She's wearing a white suit with those sticks people have that hurts so bad if someone hits you with it.

"I'm having a party tonight. You kids are invited" Tony announced to everyone in here. I've never been to a party before so it should be fun. "Let me show you to your rooms" that Carol girl spoke to them and they left.

Anastasia RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now