"Enid, wash that off, I don't want to smell your blood," Yoko said, turning away and dropping onto her own bed, ever so nonchalantly. The vampire did not drink blood, she used substitutes given by the school. The vampires could eat normal food like any other supernatural in this school, they just needed blood/blood substitute to balance it out. (How ever, if they did drink blood, it would be animal. Any blood from a human with or without consent would get them expelled or sent away far from Nevermore.) Enid was slightly confused on why she was bleeding from her lip. She thought that her canines got sharper and/or bigger and she hadn't even noticed. Enid nodded and went into the bathroom with Thing, she washed it off and looked at her teeth. The she-wolf flashed a picture-perfect smile in the mirror. She was right. Her canines did get sharper and slightly bigger. The werewolf felt her new fangs with her index fingers, careful not to prick herself. She asked herself, when had they grew? Well, she felt pains in her teeth every now and then ever since she has been back to Nevermore, but she didn't pay any attention to it. She examined them closely, she was relieved that they were barely visible. "What happened?" Yoko called out from her bed, lazily. She didn't seem concerned, she just wanted to learn what happened.

"Ah— nothing, my lips were just too chapped and then it started bleeding." Enid blanked a little. Thing signed that she should tell Yoko about her sharp canines, but Enid shook her head. She was thinking that it was unnecessary to tell Yoko.

"Ick," said Yoko, "You should carry ChapStick with you always, have I taught you nothing?" The vampire began to brag about how her lips were always kissable and presentable. The she-wolf physically cringed Enid furrowed her brows and closed her eyes. That got her annoyed, but Enid kept silent and went back to the main room.


Wednesday tapped her foot impatiently. She took a break from looking at the puzzle and now she was writing her novel. Well, trying to. She had writers block and she tried to stop it. She couldn't focus on the novel. Wednesday pulled out the spider from it's container, "Hello." It crawled on her hand. "Shall I give you a name?" Wednesday asked the spider as if she was expecting an actual answer. "I'm going to call you Borden," she hummed, petting the tarantula. The reason why she chose Borden as a name is because of the Lizzie Borden poem. She put the spider back into the container.

This was probably the most affectionate Wednesday been with another creature. Wednesday shook her head in realization that she was talking to an animal/arachnid that couldn't reply. She laughed at herself, "Hah, I must be going insane already." She felt that if she was training this spider to bite on command, she might as well name it. Wednesday had thought of releasing it on Xavier, but she knew that he wouldn't be scared of it. Wednesday had multiple things on her mind, she just couldn't focus. "Its a shame you aren't really venomous to humans. Borden, the most your venom could do is eyelid puffiness, loss blood flow to major organs, or breathing difficulty. That would be decent if my enemy had a tarantula allergy. You have no actual importance to me," She stated blankly. The tarantula crawled in its cage, leaning against the walls of its enclosure. "I'll get a redback next time, or even better, a funnel-web spider. Until then, you're my little pet." She thought for a moment, "It would be amusing to give Enid a wolf spider. How entertaining and ironic." She gave a little devious smirk as she laid back in her chair. She was a bit more free in her mind. "Speaking of the Sinclair girl," Wednesday began again, "What do you think she's doing?" Of course, the spider didn't respond. It seemed to be tired. She scoffed at herself and pulled put her phone.

Wednesday: (Greetings, Enid.
I just wanted to know where are you staying? It is past midnight, as you might know, and I don't want you coming in late. Respond, this is not a plead. It's a demand. Do not ignore this message. I will find you. That is a threat. Goodbye.

Not your friend, Wednesday.)

She stared longingly at the text before she sent it. She was slightly curious if Enid was going to answer to her or not. Wednesday could notice during the morning that Enid was trying hard not to interact with her. It almost made Wednesday wonder why. Deep down, she knew the reason. She tried hard to forget it to save Enid's dignity and confidence.

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