Chapter Eight: Deliveries and Designers

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"I want to get more coffee."

"About this I mean." Magnus said, smiling.

"Oh. right." More silence ensued. "I don't want to lose you-"

"I can't do this." Alec said, suddenly, cutting Magnus off.

"What?" Magnus looked taken aback.

"Magnus, I can't do this. I mean, I can hardly cope with the fact that I'm gay, I can't deal with....all this....attention...and media...and everything. I'm not like you."

Magnus looked at him, sadly. "Alec, I know its scary at first but-"

"No. I don't want this if it means I have" His voice trailed off and he looked down, tears welling in his eyes.

"So....what are you saying?" Magnus whispered, fearful of the answer.

"I don't think we should talk anymore." Alec murmured.


"I mean, it was crazy to begin with. I mean...we haven't even known each other for very long...." Alec trailed off, knowing what he was about to say wasn't true. Magnus sighed.

"Right....I guess this is goodbye then..."Alec nodded, not looking up.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Magnus stand up and walk slowly towards the door, glancing back a couple of times, then he was gone. Alec let out a sigh and dropped his head into his hands, tears spilling out of his eyes.


The next few weeks were hell. Alec was constantly plagued with wondering whether or not he had made the right choice. What if he hadn't ended things with Magnus, what if he had said he wanted to try and work through all the media. Would he have been happy? What if things had worked out...But then again, what if they hadn't.

Alec let out a frustrated sigh and through the book he was reading against the wall. Why was it so hard!! Why did he constantly miss Magnus, constantly wish he could be with him. It was ridiculous, he thought. They hadn't even know each other for very long, and yet he found himself missing him every waking moment.

Alec rolled over on his side and closed his eyes. Magnus was probably fine, he thought to himself. By now he'd probably forgotten about Alec and was back to jumping between people, and partying and whatever else famous people did. That was what Alec wanted, wasn't it? For Magnus to forget about him, to just go back to where they were before they met. And yet, some part of him hoped Magnus was missing him as much as he was. Some part of him kept an eye on the magazines, and twitter, looking for some news about Magnus.


"Gwen! GWEN!" Magnus bellowed from his desk.

A few seconds later she appeared at the door of his office, looking nervous. "Y-yes?" She asked hesitantly.

"Where is the paperwork for the orders of lace and Habutai? I asked for them by noon and its now almost 2. Also, where the hell are those skirts from James!" Magnus asked, slamming a stack of papers down in frustration.

"Sorry, I'll get on that." She ducked out of the office.

"AND GET LYNUS OR ANDY IN HERE!" He shouted after her. When she was gone, he let his head drop onto the desk and let out a sigh. Why the hell did he miss that stupid nerd so much! Just about a month ago he didn't even know he existed, and now...Magnus groaned and shoved a stack of papers off his desk in frustration. He had always had a temper as a kid, as he grew up he learned to keep it under control though. Now, almost nothing could get him angry, until this. Every since he and Alec stopped talking, he'd been getting more and more frustrated at the littlest of things, and had been lashing out at people who didn't deserve it. Just then the door to his office slammed shut and he jerked his head of the desk. In front of him stood an extremely pissed off Camille.

When Alec met Magnus (A Malec fanfic. Duh)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin