i really doubt adrien has a clue whats going on in this group

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Adrien: Okay, I think I know the problem.

Keefe (worrying that his "secret" crush on marinette got revealed since he knows adrien likes her): And... what would that be?

Adrien: You're avoiding Sophie because she's with Fitz now and he's being mean to you.

Adrien: I know I seem too polite as Adrien, but watch this.

a few moments later

Fitz: Hey, what's—

Cat Noir: punches fitz square in the mouth

Cat Noir: That's what you get for being mean to my friend! Have fun without your movie star smile now!

Ladybug (having just got back from a solo patrol): ADRIEN WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO!

Keefe: So he may have misinterpreted Fitzphie since we all know they broke up like a year ago—

Cat Noir: They WHAT—

Ladybug: Yeah, like before we all moved in here!

Sophie (coming in sleep-deprived as normal): Fitz, why is three of your teeth missing?

Ladybug, Cat Noir, Keefe, Fitz:

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