um... ok

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Alya: Wait, we have to what?

Sophie: We're having questionnaires and applications and all that for people interested in moving in.

Alya: Okay...

Sophie: Who's interested?

Marinette: It's pretty much my friends.

Sophie: hands alya a thick stack of papers

Sophie: get these filled out and turn them in. Then we'll consider.

Marinette: As long as Lila doesn't get in.

Dex: Oh yeah, definitely not Lila. Never met her, but she makes Stina sound like an angel.

Alya: ...

Marinette: Stina and Dex aren't exactly the best of friends.

Adrien: "aren't exactly the best of friends?" I had to talk him out of sneaking a poison into her food last April Fool's.


Alya: Are you guys even sane?

what do you think? should i let more miraculous characters into the "house of madness?"

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