coffee maker war

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The Gang: is standing around the broken coffee maker

Tam: So who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. 

Everyone else: 

Keefe: It was me. I take full responsibility. 

Tam: No, it wasn't you. I know it wasn't you. Dex?

Dex: Don't look at me, look at Marinette. 

Marinette What? I didn't break it!

Dex: Strange. How did you know it was broken?

Marinette: Because we're standing in front of it and it's broken!

Dex: That's pretty sus. 

Marinette. No it's not!

Marella: If it matters, probably not, but Biana was the last one to use it. 

Biana: Liar! I don't even drink coffee!

Marella: Oh, really? Then what were you doing by it earlier?

Biana: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles! Everyone knows that, Marella!

Adrien: Okay, let's not fight. I broke it, I'll pay for it. 

Tam: No, it wasn't you! So who broke it!


Marella: Tam... Fitz has been awfully quiet. 

Fitz: WHAT!?

Everyone: starts arguing

on interview

Tam: I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it. 

Tam: I predict that right now they've made alliances and have started using abilities against each other and have made their forts at different spots of the house.


Tam: Good. It was getting too chummy here.

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