{2} Shopping

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!!This id like a filler chapter where we just see how the characters are so yea!!
(Also D/y/o means Describe your outfit)

Y/N's POV:

I was in my room Trying to figure out a outfit I was suppose so go out to the Monster Mall with Drack. I asked Mark if he wanted to go but he said no and that he had plans with Claw,but will drive us.

If I'm honest I kinda ship them but it's not my business.I settled with D/y/o and did my hair and put some little makeup on. Then went to grab my Icoffin I looked and saw Tara sent me a picture of her flying I smiled and decided to take one too.

I went outside and started flapping my wings I flew to the top of our house and took a picture posing.I then heard Mark yell my name "Come on Y/N get ur black ass down here we have to go pick up ur boyfriend!" I rolled my eyes at him and floated down and playfully glared at him

"Drack isn't my boyfriend and calm down no need to get pissy." He smiled a little but covered it up and just started waking to the car I smiled and ran after him and moved to get in the back seat so me and Drack could sit by each other.

I got my icoffin and texted Drack that we were on our way

We're on our way to come get you!

'Okie dokie! See you soon😙

I put my phone down and rested my head on the window moving  my wings around me to keep me warm.I woke up to my thigh  being tapped I looked and saw Mark starting at me "Come on go get ur boyfriend we're here." I stuck my tongue out at him and got out the car I went towards a small castle like house I knocked on the door and there was no answer.

Until the door swung open revealing Drack  in a hot pink skinny strap shirt with a see through black long sleeves  crop over it and then hot pink shorts wig a black belt and see through hot sparkly pink ribbon hanging around his waist.

I smiled at him and he hugged me "I'm so glad your here and I'm so excited to shop with you we can visit all these stores.I know the best ones!"

I nodded and then we separated from the hug "You ready to go now?" I questioned he nodded while smiling.we walked to my brothers car and I opened the back seat door for him he sat down and I shut the door I went to my side and opened my own door and sat down.

Drack said hello to Mark and thanked him for driving us and Mark just told him no problem.Me and Drack were talking  about the whole vampire and wolf situation

"It's so horrible that that is even happing and I use to go to that school but My Dad moved me to monster high after I was bullied for not being able to turn into a bat."

I saw him slightly frown and I reached out and grabbed his hand "Hey it's ok u have us now and we're your friends it doesn't matter if u can turn bat or not yet cause everything takes time."

I saw him smile at me and lean over and hug me "thank you Y/n what would I do without you!" I felt my face heat up even though no one could probably see.

I looked around and saw Mark smirking at me in the mirror raising his eyebrow.I rolled my eyes and hugged Drack a little longer. But sadly our moment was ruined when I heard Marks voice "We're here guys!"

We needed and got out the car he rolled down the window and said "Alright guys I'll be back in 2 hours with Claw so be ready and meet me at the front of the mall."

I nodded and kissed his check then waved Him bye he waved back then drove off to go to his 'Boyfriends' house.

I felt Drack grab my hand and drag me towards the mall I smiled and picked up the pace so he wasn't dragging me anymore we made our way to a clothing store 'Forever 3Am' we walked inside and made our way to a crop top section

Drack grabbed a (F/c) one and showed me "What do you think?" I smiled and nodded "it looks so cute!" He then handed it to me "Then ur gonna buy it and don't worry about the price I'll help u pay if u need it!" I smiled at him.

He walked away to find more outfits I walked away too to go find some clothes to wear for school I found a D/y/o and picked it up to buy only to turn around and bump into this guy.

He has black hair and wore a black and white strip tee-shirt with some dark blue jeans.

I quickly apologized "sorry!" He looked at me and smirked "no problem doll but if u wanna really apologize give me your number."

I frowned I did not feel comfortable in this situation.I tried to walk around him but he put his arms up to corner me I started to feel upset.

I glared at the man "I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable giving my number to a stranger so may you please leave me alone."

He only laughed at me "I like when they play hard to get." That's when I was done I pushed him hard and flapped my wings flying up and then landing far away from him.

I was agitated and decided it would be best if I just went to go find Drack. I saw him in the skirt section I smiled I love how he is able to be himself no matter what.

I called his name once I started walking towards him "Drack!" He turned around and smiled at me "Hi Y/n what did you get?"

I smiled and pulled out one of the things I picked out and showed him he clapped his hands "You will look so good in that!"

I smiled and then put it awake and asked "Thanks, what did u get Drack?" He smiled at me and pulled out a lot of different outfits I was happy to look at each one.
We agreed to go pay and then go check out more stores we made our way to the register and payed for our clothes.

Once we were checked out and ready to I held hands with Drack as we walked out the store and around the mall I looked at my icoffin and saw we still had tons of time I know this is gonna be fun!

{A New Version Of The Story} Male!Draculura X Black readerWhere stories live. Discover now