17: Last And Final

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The sound of classical music floated into my ears as soon as I opened the door to my father's study. The soft melodies of classical instruments welcomed me unlike my stoic father who never looked in my direction as he flipped through the page of a book he was reading with his legs crossed. He picked up the glass of red wine on his desk and swirled it a bit before taking a long sip.

Over the years, it had become easy to predict my father's moods. He had certain habits that were linked to his mood, like presently. He only listened to classical music to calm himself down when he was upset about something and if that alone didn't work, he read a book to calm himself down. The wine was no big deal. He always had wine, no matter his mood.

I stepped into the room cautiously. The last thing I wanted was to be on the receiving end of my father's anger but something told me it was unavoidable.

"You didn't mention you were coming to visit." He said, peeking up from his book. He pushed his reading glasses down to the tip of his nose as he looked up.

"It was impromptu." I simply said, taking a seat on the sofa by the east wall which was the only side of the room free from shelves of books.

"What was the reason for your impromptu trip?" He questioned and I pressed my lips together for a moment to stop myself from replying with a snarky comment. He knew very well why I was here. How could I not have come when he threatened to cut off my family's funds?

"I had some business to take care off." I crossed my legs and placed my intertwined fingers on my thighs. If he wanted to play a game, I could play as well. "Now, tell me father. What would you do if a sales rep relentlessly tries to get you to buy into a product that you're just not interested in? How many more ways can you tell a person 'No' when they just can't seem to understand the definition of the word?"

Father closed his book with a thud and set it down on his desk before turning his full attention to me.

"Do not compare me to a mere sales rep!" He scowled at me and I put up my hands in feign surrender.

"I will be more direct then." I got up to my feet and walked up to his desk. "I'm tired of playing games, father. I'm tired of this little game of catch and release that you have been playing for as long as I can remember. I want out and I want out now!" I demanded in an unwavering voice as I stared him in the eyes defiantly.

We've had this song and dance many times before and like many other times, my father expected the same predictable outcome but not anymore.

"You want out of what exactly? Success? Power? Fulfillment? That's everything you are trying to give up, Derrek. What sane person gives up what billions are striving to acquire?"

"There's more to life than success and power. As for fulfillment, I'm never going to find it within the four corners of your glorified play pen."

"I have given you everything and this is how you thank me. I have invested my time and my resources in building you into a man you can be proud of today yet you are so ungrateful, just like your brother." I could see the anger in his eyes, yet his tone never wavered. I could tell he was trying to keep his emotions in check but I knew it wasn't long until he lost his cool. He was only patient whilst negotiating business deals, with everything else, he never held back his emotions for long.

"Johanson has nothing to do with this."

Of course, he was bringing my brother into this. He never missed a chance to run his own son down. It was disappointing.

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