12: Derrek's Marble Floor

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Derrek and I pulled apart to catch our breath but I couldn't tear my eyes away from his and neither could he look away from me. He rested his forehead against mine and stroked my hair with his right hand, while the other held on tightly to my waist. He placed a lingering kiss to my forehead a few moments later and I felt something off in that moment. It had felt a little sad.

Derrek let go of me, stepping to the side and reaching for his glass of wine to the far right side where I had pushed it. He took a few sips and set it down before glancing back at me.

"I missed you." He brushed his fingers over the side of my face and I smiled up at him. I missed him as well. It had been about two months since Derrek and I had hung out like this. I had really missed it.

"You should have come to see me if you missed me that much." I teased and he nodded with a serious expression, pulling his eyebrows together and drawing it downwards.

"I'm sorry I haven't been the best boyfriend for a while." He apologized and I was about to question him when his phone rang, cutting me off. He took out his phone and glanced at the screen. "I need to take this. I'll be right back." He excused himself and walked out of the kitchen.

Giving a sigh, I reached for the wine bottle and poured myself a glass. I was worried about Derrek. I could tell something was wrong but he wasn't telling me anything. He had said he had lost everyone and everything he cared about and that made me worry about him even more. I needed him to tell me exactly what was going on so I knew just how to comfort him. I couldn't just sit back and act like nothing was wrong every time Derrek forced a smile. The exhaustion in his eyes was evident every time he looked at me. How could I have ignored that?

I, soon, got bored of waiting around for Derrek, so, I decided to give myself a little tour of the house and maybe put on some Netflix afterward. There had been a list of movies that I had wanted to watch with Derrek. If he wasn't going to share his problems with me, I was just going to have to find a way to cheer him up somehow until he did and what better way was there than watching comedies. Laughter was the best medicine after all.

After checking out the dinning room and two bedrooms on the ground floor, I headed up the stairs to explore the top floor. I hadn't seen Derrek anywhere downstairs, so, I figured he was in one of the rooms on the first floor.

At the top of the stairs was a white walled lounge with black couches, two black bean bags, a huge TV, stereo system and gaming equipment. I smiled to myself, shaking my head. Why wasn't I surprised that Derrek had created a room just for playing video games?

To the left and right of the lounge where four doors; two to each side. I had just started towards the first door on the right when I heard Derrek's voice coming from the left. He sounded upset and he shouted on whoever was on the other end of the call. I'd never heard him sound so worked up.

My feet carried me closer to the sound of his voice before I realized what was happening. I couldn't help but wonder what had made him so upset. I stopped right by the door that was slightly ajar and peeked into it to see Derrek run a hand over his short curly hair.

"...That is crazy! How dare he do that?" Derrek resumed as he paced up and down the room. "I knew he would have been coming after my properties next! Thank God I didn't purchase this house through the company or he would have taken it as well!"

He halted as he listened to what the person on the line was saying.

"Like bloody hell! I'm going to fight back if he continues to come after me! I don't care if he's my father, I won't let him get away with it!"

His father? What exactly was going on? It sounded like Derrek and his father were still feuding. I thought they had reached an agreement back in London which was why he had come back to Lagos.

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