Chapter 17

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'You look even more agitated than normal. Did your week at Endeavor Agency not go as planned?'
She didn't face the raven haired man next to her. Nor did she question how he even knew. He always knew.
Instead Ichika continued to glare at nothing in particular. Sure, she could have called Mirio or one of her friends. They would have allowed her to complain about the man, but they would also explain why it was reasonable whatever the man had done. Which wasn't something she wanted at the moment. Not today.
So, of course she sought to find Dabi once she had returned home from workstudy. He lived nearby - though she still didn't know where exactly, only how to find him - and never seemed to mind hearing her complain about Endeavor. Letting her get it all off her chest, without judgment or reason. He never laughed at her for being angry with the man or made her feel ashamed for even speaking negatively about the number 2 hero.
'You can say that again,' she grumbled. 'I wasn't even supposed to be there. I missed a whole week of school, just because he wanted to show how good a teacher he was!'
'Can't say I blame the man.' This time, she did turn her head to glare at him. But he only shrugged and returned her glare with a smug smirk. His hand reached out to pet her head mockingly as he continued. 'You are his sweet little golden girl, aren't you?'
She scoffed at that, patting away his hand in annoyance. Not only for the mocking motion, but also his words. Endeavor's golden girl... It wasn't like she had asked for it! She had always idolised Endeavor, so of course she had tried her best to impress him. And to this day, that hadn't changed. And she couldn't deny the pride she felt whenever he complimented her - in his own, strange way. It made her want to strive for perfection, wanting to be praised again.
But after last week, a new feeling had been stirring deep within her heart. A feeling she had pushed aside for years, to become someone she was not. Yet now that feeling had returned. And with each passing day at Endeavor Agency, that feeling had grown stronger. No matter the compliments Endeavor had given her. No matter how amazed Shoto had looked when she showed him how she did her signature move. Nor the gossip Burnin had shared with her. That feeling had always lingered. And after coming home, that feeling seemed to have only peeked.
She felt rebellious. For the first time in years, she felt like doing something her way. To not try and be 'miss perfect' or, as Dabi had stated, a 'golden girl'. She didn't know what she wanted, but she did know she wanted to do something she would otherwise never do.
Which of course, had led her to Dabi in the first place. She had hoped talking to the stitched man would help calm her mind and get that crazy idea out of her head. But up until now, she only felt more certain she wanted to break from the chains that had held her back all these years.
'Damn, he's really pissed you off this time.'
There was amusement in his voice. No judgment, only amusement. So Ichika lifted her head again, to meet with Dabi's hauntingly bright eyes. The purple patches underneath them enhancing the colour, while the light of the setting sun gave of the illusion that his eyes seemed to glow. But the light also reflected something else. It made her draw her eyes towards the silver piercings in his nose and ears.
'Did it hurt?'
'Sweetheart, pick-up lines don't work on me.'
She slapped his shoulder in annoyance. He knew she didn't mean it like that. But somehow, Dabi always managed to twist her words to make it appear like she was flirting with him.
'Idiot! I just wanted to know whether or not it hurt when you got your ears pierced. You know, with your burns and all. Or did you pierce them before you got them?'
If he was surprised by her sudden interest in his piercings, he didn't show it. Instead, he closed his eyes and tugged his hands in the pockets of his dark, ripped trenchcoat as he leaned against the wall.
'I don't feel anything,' was his raspy reply. 'Why'd ya ask?'
'Just curious... I guess I wanted to know more about you, that's all.'
Dabi opened one eye to look at her as Ichika copied his stance against the wall next to him.
'Hah.' He scoffed as closed his eye again, turning his head to face forward again. 'Just so you know, you can't fool me. So, let's try that again, shall we?'
Her cheeks flushed at being caught. As always, Dabi had proven once again how perceptive he was. Or perhaps she was just easy to read? Probably both.
But there was also the fact that an idea had popped up at the sight of his piercings.
'My mom finds piercings to be cheap,' Ichika finally answered. Her eyes fixed on the stone wall on the opposite side of the road. 'I had to practically beg to get my upper lob pierced back when I was twelve. She said I already had earrings, there was no need to get a second pair.'
There came no reply from Dabi, so she continued.
'I never bothered to ask about getting more piercings after she finally agreed for my upper lob.'
'I wasn't aware that I would get a whole life story. I regret my question already.'
She shot the man a glare. She hated being bad at reading people. It meant that she couldn't tell whether or not he was joking. But then again, he did ask for the truth. So that's what he's going to get. Whether he liked it or not. Then perhaps next time, he wouldn't pry.
'Then don't be a smartass and ask questions.' Ichika didn't even try to hide the annoyance in her voice. 'Anyway, I always wanted a piercing, so I was just curious about it.'
'Then why not get one?'
There was clearly annoyance in his voice. But with the way he looked at her with a quirked brow, showed that he at least appeared to be curious.
'Because my mom would never allow it.'
'And she gets to decide what you can and can't do?' Then he smirked as he chuckled. 'Oh wait, never mind. You've let others decide about your life before. Like becoming a hero, for example.'
'Ouch, that's a low blow, Dabi. Even for you. But I guess youre right.' She sighed as she turned her gaze towards the sky, to look at the handful of starts that where visible. 'I just wished I was more like you. To just throw caution to the wind and just be me. To do whatever I want.'
Dabi just shrugged, before pushing himself off the wall and started walking off. Leaving a confused Ichika behind as she stared at his back. But then again, she should have gotten used to his unpredictability. Dabi had a habit of showing up out of nowhere and leaving without saying another word.
Though before Ichika could turn around and walk away, his voice stopped her.
'What are you waiting for,' he asked her, looking over his shoulder. 'What happened to wanting to do whatever the hell you want?'
'Just follow me.'
And so she did, walking up next to him as he continued to walk away. As Dabi led her, her curiosity only grew. Not only for what he had planned, she was also curious about Dabi himself. Even though they had met a couple of times, she trusted him enough to know nothing would happen.
Still she knew practically nothing about the man. Yet he knew so much about her. That was mostly due to her being an UA student and doing her workstudies at Endeavor Agency. Which meant a lot of publicity.
She was ashamed to admit it, but the other reason was that they never really talked about Dabi. It was mostly about her letting out her frustration. And the rare moments that the subject had somehow landed on Dabi, he was quick to change the subject again.
So truth be told, she only really knew his name and that he didnt like fish. She didn't know his age, or his quirk. Nor did she know how he got those burn scars that covered parts of his body. How much of his body did they cover? Was it a side-effect of his quirk? Had he been in an accident?
She observed him for a moment. Taking in his nonchalant demeanour as he walked next to her. Calculation whether or not she could try and ask about his burns? Or perhaps something else? Would he be willing to talk about himself?
He had yet to answer her question on where he was taking her. But perhaps she could get him to talk about himself? It was worth the try, right?
'You said you can't feel anything?' He only grunted in reply. 'Did your nerves got burned away? How did that happen?'
Their eyes met as he glanced back at her. An equally calculated look in his eyes as he looked at her. Then he sighed, before replying.
'Yeah, along with my tearglands. It was an accident, but I guess that happens when you play with fire.'
The way he had said it, it almost seemed like he had a double meaning to it. Like a warning to a danger she was not yet aware of. But he just scoffed as he lifted up his right arm to look at the scars on his lower arm.
'I'm afraid it did ruin my good looks. But hey, at least I still got my charm, right?'
She grinned, playfully jabbing him with her elbow as she replied.
'I'm still here, so I guess you're right. So, are you going to tell me where we going?'
She couldn't hide the slight pitch in her voice as she spoke. They had left the streets by now and were heading towards the more, well, questionable part of the city. The part where Ichika had never gone before, for obvious reasons. Because her mother had warned her about these parts and the villains that resided there.
But Dabi wasn't a villain. Her wide green eyes traveled over to the lanky man next to her. He was just misunderstood due to his appearance. A little rough on the outside, but otherwise he was okay.
'Do I sense a hint of panic, princess?' He locked his eyes with hers. A smirk tugging at his lips as his eyes glowed in the light of the neon signboard. 'Don't tell me a trainee hero is afraid of the dark.'
'It's because I'm a trainee hero, that I am cautious,' she confessed truthfully. 'You easily recognised me and so will others.'
'Well, good thing that I'm around to protect you then.' He turned his head to look ahead again. 'If you want to get your ear pierced on a Sunday evening, this is the place to be.'
Wait, what? Upon this revelation, Ichika stopped in her tracks. Shocked by what the man had just suggested.
'J-just wait a second. Dabi! I did not agree to this!'
'Perhaps not. But you want to.'
He stopped as well. Though he did not turn around to look at Ichika. With his hands still in his pockets, he stood in front of an old building. The sign above said Black Poison in neon green lights. And tattoo, piercing & more in cursive white letters on the window.
'You wanted to do something you want, be a little rebellious. I'm just giving you the push you need.'
He said it so casually. Like he didn't care whether or not Ichika would come along or leave. And he probably didn't. But the way he had said it, also drew Ichika closer. Wanting to take the opportunity he was giving her.
She hesitated for a moment longer. And for a fleeting moment, she thought of turning on her heel and leave Dabi right there. And she probably should have done so. But the longing of wanting to do something she wanted got the better of her. Cautiously, Ichika walked up to Dabi. Silently wondering how it was possible for her to even feel this free whenever he was around. Though at the same time questioning him. He was a bad influence, but an influence she felt she needed.
'If you want to be rebellious, then getting a piercing at a questionable tattoo shop is the way to do it, princess.'
Some words of wisdom. But she still agreed. That didn't mean she would do this though! She just agreed to what Dabi had said. But as much as Ichika wanted to, she still couldn't find herself to take that one step towards the door.
What would her mother say? Or Mirio? What would they think of her? What if she would let them down if she carried on? She had been fine doing what she had been doing thus far, right? She had met Mirio, because she decided to go to UA. If she hadn't, she would have never met him. And neither would she have met Tamaki and Nejire. Nor would she have had the opportunity to work alongside her hero.
She frowned. Yes, following Izuku's dream had led to her meeting wonderful people. It had given her amazing experiences. But perhaps it was time to let a bit more of her old self shine through? Not only in character, but also in what she wanted.
'I ain't gonna wait here all night for you to make up your mind. Just get inside or leave.'
She looked over to the impatient man, then she looked back at the tattoo shop. Her mind made up.

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