chapter 1

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Bay city - Junko Yagami
0:01 ❍─────── 4:28
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Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%


"Damn it where is Y/N?" Asuka yell in frustration, you where late for school 'again' as Asuka would say, it wasn't often that you where late for school you actually kind of like school, despite complaining about having to go, you enjoyed chilling out with your friends and work wasn't to hard, the problem for you is the noise.... and the absolute idiots in your class. But today you where late because you wanted to have more time to listen to music, so you where walking very slow so you could just listen to music and just walk, it brings you to peace.

"Calm down, Asuka its only been two minutes since you got here, they won't-" Shinji said before getting cut off by Asuka
"I don't care if its only been two minutes they should be here!! They are the only decent person in this class!" Asuka yells again
"why do I even bother talking anymore?" Shinji asks himself quietly, a few minutes after that, you walk into class, As soon as Asuka sees you she yells as you "You're late!! what took you so long!?" you like Asuka and all but she can get a bit annoying. You stare Asuka in the eyes "I'm not late... There's still ten minutes 'till class starts, and I took my time getting here. I wanted to listen to music" you answer bluntly "i knew it, that's what I was going to tell-" Shinji says before getting cut off by Asuka again "You are meant t-" Askua gets out before you stop her "Shinji was talking.. Let him speak" you say, as you said that, Shinjis face lit up and he smiled "Thanks, Y/N! But what I was going to say wasn't that important" he said happily. Asuka looks at shinji and asks him the most immature question..

"Do you like Y/N or something?"
Shinjis eyes widened slightly and he was about to answer before you spoke.
"Asuka we aren't in third grade"
Asuka glared daggers at you.
"Maybe we are!" Asuka says confidently "Asuka..we're sixteen" Shinji adds to your comment. After shinji saying that Asuka sat down silently and look unimpressed. "Sorry about her, she's just pissed because fath-... I don't know how to address him to you.... Um... My father?? Yeah. My father is asking for us to come into head quarters after school, I don't know why. But misato said that there was a new pilot, and that we needed to train." Shinji Explained "so you do know why Mr. Ikari wants us in head quarters" you say bluntly. Shinji stops for a moment "yeah.. I guess I do know"
"Yes, shinji you know" you mentally face palm and sit in your seat, which was infront of rei, and wait for the day to Finnish.

"Y/N..." a familiar, quiet voices called out to you, its was Rei. You turned to the blue haired girl, she stood there for a moment before she spoke "can you walk to head quarters with me" Rei asked politely. Rei was always a softly spoken girl, She barley talked too, so it was quite odd to hear her speak to you, and asking you to go to head quarters with her, she normally liked being alone... maybe she wanted company, you agree, I mean like, how could you not? Rei was, lets say, different and you wanted to know more about the girl, no one really knows much about her well who she is as a person.

You and Rei walk to the Nerv head quarters in a comfortable silence, you decided not to listen to music, although you love music, you also like the sound of the city, for some reason you found it comforting. after about 10 minutes you and Rei had arrived at Nerv and waiting for further instructions. once the other two arrive, Misato and Ritsko introduced the three of us to the new pilot "seems a bit random to me! we don't need a new pilot!!" Asuka says, disappointed "well, Asuka you saw what happened to Toji, we that's why we another piolet, it doesn't matter how many piolets we have already, he still sunk with the Eva" Ritsko explained calmly "plus, we can't always have shinji fighting all the time" Misato adds. Asuka scoffs and rolls her eyes, you on the other hand looked at the boy, remembering his features, White hair, red eyes, a perfect nose and a smirk like grin on his face, "Kaworu Nagisa, huh? different name..." you thought to your self, though it was normal for someone with a unique name to show up.

lord I hope he is chill.

Word count: 787

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Authors note:
Sorry this is short I was doing it at 3 in the morning the fell asleep and forgot about it for majority of the day, I'll try to update the story everyday untill I have to go to school. Anyways! Leave suggestions I may need them 🙇
Ight see ya <3

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