Chapter 8

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A month passed on.
Suri entered her 4th month of pregnancy.
She started looking for jobs to prepare for her maternity expenses.

She found a job in a nearby bridal clothing store.
She went to give her interview.

Interviewer: "So miss Suri Harrington, why do you want this job?"
[he asked]
Suri looked at him.
Suri: "I'm 4 months pregnant and I'm a single mother so I need this job to look after me and baby."
[she said to him]
He smiled.
Interviewer: "Okay, so what can we expect from you?"
[he asked]
Suri: "I will give my hundred percent to this job and I'm sure you'll be proud of me."
[she said confidently]
Interviewer got impressed.
He gave the job to Suri.
She was so much happy.

Kent went to his home from work.
His mother saw him very upset.
Adriana: "Son, what is wrong with you? Why are you so upset nowadays"
[she asked him]
He looked at his mother.
And few tears fall from his eyes, he was unable to control himself.
Adriana: "God Kent! What is wrong honey, why are crying huh? Is it about Suri?"
[she asked worried]
Kent: "Mom, I'm tired of my life, I'm so tired of everything..."
[he said feeling ashamed]
Adriana: "But why what happened, say at least!"
[she asked extremely worried and confused]
Kent: "Mom, Suri's pregnant with my child."
[he said]
She started smiling.
Adriana: "Really... So what's the problem?"
[she asked him]
Kent: "I, I don't want this child, I don't want to be a father now..."
Adriana: "But son..."
Kent: "Mom I'm 35, what will everyone think about me that I made a girl half of my age pregnant..."
[he said disgusted]
Adriana: "Son, You're just overthinking there's nothing gonna happen like this, you understand me..."
[she comforted him]
Kent: "No maa, You're not getting it, I'm, I'm too afraid of everything..."
Adriana: "What??"
Kent: "I'm afraid that I won't be able to take proper care of a child, I'm afraid to start a family mom, I, I don't know if I will ever be a great father...."
Adriana saw what is Kent's problem in his eye.
Adriana: "Son! You know what your actual problem is?"
[she said confidently]
Kent looked at his mother.
Kent: "What?"
Adriana: "You overthink everything. Your relationship with Suri is natural, your baby inside her is natural, things like this happens almost everyday, you're No new to do it..."
[she said to him]
He was focusing on every word she's saying.
Adriana: "Do you love Suri?"
[she asked her]
He looked at her.
Kent: "Yes, a lot."
[he replied confidently]
Adriana: "My son, when you are in love nothing matters the most than the person you love."
[she said to him]
Kent: "But I made a mistake maa..."
[he felt guilty]
Adriana: "What?"
[she asked worried]
Kent: "I abandoned her in her pregnancy and now she don't want to be with me"
[he said upset]
Adriana: "Look son, Its okay because you realised your mistake, you just have to go and apologize to her in every possible way, I know it hurts the most when you get abandoned when you're pregnant,she will act rude and she will refuse to accept your apology but you should never lose hope. She's pregnant and hurt so you need to hold on, are you getting me?"
[She adviced him]
He smiled.
Kent: "Yeah I do, I love you mom."
They hugged.
Adriana: "Me too, now go and make me a grandma soon."
[she teased him]
They chuckled.

Kent thinking 'I did really bad with her, How can I be this mean to her! She is pregnant and we both are responsible for it, then how can I do this to her especially in such delicate moments of her pregnancy! No Kent, You have to take a stand for your love, I'm going to do everything I can to have her back and most importantly we both will be parents to a new born, God! I don't know why but I'm feeling so excited about the fact that I'm gonna be a dad soon. Wow! This is amazing I'm not afraid anymore, I guess this is what it is, I'm hers and she's mine and we're gonna be mom & dad'

          <<<ON THE OTHER HAND>>>

Suri started working at the store.
She was in ending days of her 4th month of pregnancy.
Suri was working real hard to save money for her delivery.

Suri thinking 'I don't like being pregnant and I HATE THIS KID, this kid made my life hell, It's father abandoned it, It's making me work my a** off and it's destroying all the happy moments I had before, I'm never gonna love it, never, It's making me more depressed and devastated with myself, I can't have it, No...'

She came back home from work.
Suri, Ella and Stuart where having dinner on the dining table.

Suri: "Dad! I've made a decision"
[she said to her father while eating]
Stuart: "What decision?"
[he asked her]
Suri: "I'm giving this kid for adoption."
[she said confidently]
Stuart and Ella got shocked.
Stuart: "WHAT?"
[he asked in shock]
Suri: "You heard me, It's rich father abandoned it and I don't have money to look after it for my whole life, so I'm gonna give it up that's it"
[she said acting strong]
Stuart: "But daughter..."
Suri: "Please dad, It's my kid and it's my decision"
[she said confidently]
Stuart nodded yes.
Suri ate her dinner and went to her bedroom.

Suri layed down on her bed looking at the ceiling.
Few tears fell down from her eyes.

Suri thinking 'If I don't want to have this kid, than Why am I feeling bad of letting it go, no Suri, I have to be strong, I can't have this kid I'm not financially stable, It will be better for the kid's future if I let it go'

Kent was trying to contact Suri but he was unable to find her.
So next day when she was working, he finally went to her home.

Stuart: "Yes?"
Kent: "Hi I'm Kent Fredrickson, Is Suri at home?"
[he asked smiling]
Stuart recognised him, he knew Kent was Suri's baby's father.
Stuart: "Why are you here?"
[he asked]
Kent: "I want to meet her"
Stuart: "Why?"
Kent: "I want to apologize to her for something"
Stuart: "How can you be this shameful, you abandoned her in her pregnancy!"
[he said with an angry expression]
Kent: "I was a jerk doing that, I've realised my mistake and now I want to be a better man, I want to make her happy"
Stuart trusted his words,
Stuart smiled.
Stuart: "She's not home, She's on work."
[he said to him]
Kent felt bad for suri.
He calmly asked him...
Kent: "Can you give me her work place's address please?"
Stuart smiled.
Stuart gave Suri's workplace's address to Kent.

To be continued.....

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