"Yeah, why are you mad ? " Tevon asked also, being the faithful puppy he was. So pathetic.

Richard Jr. was someone very calm usually. He was normally a person who was almost never in the drama. He had always tried to stay far away from the type of drama Trevor was all about; but at this moment, he didn't care. He didn't care who he was on daily basis, now all he wanted was revenge. He was seeing all red and the murderer in him had just woke up. He was about to create chaos in this locker room. He wanted to make blood run everywhere. Everything around him was red.

It'd almost been one month since he hurt his knuckles by punching the locker in the hall the day they found out about Yani's fake pregnancy, so he shouldn't be fighting right now, but this wasn't one of his worries at the moment. He cracked them, his neck and in less than one minute he had jumped on Trevor and was hitting him with his fists. Soon, blood was on Trevor's face.

"Help ! Help me please ! He's crazy ! Heeeeeeelp ! " Tevon screamed hoping that the coach was going to show up.

"What's going on in here ? " The coach ran in shocked to see the scene that was occurring before him, "HEY ! You two stop that ! Willkingston, are you hearing me ?! "

RJ was in his zone and wasn't hearing the voice behind him. He didn't care as he continued to beat Trevor, who was going unconscious now. He was still awake, but he was about to go completely numb in a couple of minutes, five maybe. His heart was beating way too fast and he began to have difficulties to breath properly.

By the way, Trevor wasn't the only one to lose his breath as RJ was starting to have another asthma attack, since he was way too angry and agitating. Being in rage like that wasn't good for his health.

"Willkingston ! " The coach grabbed him by his waist and lifted him up, "Hey ! Calm down ! "

"LET ME GO ! I'M GONNA KILL HIM ! THIS BASTARD DRUGGED US ! ALL THAT HAPPENED IS YOUR FAULT, BASTARD ! WE LOST A BABY BECAUSE OF YOU ! WE ARGUED BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPIDNESS ! YOU RUINED OUR LIVES, SO I'M GONNA RUIN YOURS ! IT'S NOT DONE ! LEAVE ME ALONE, COACH ! LET ME BEAT HIS A-" He felt his lungs pressed. He attempted to inhale and exhale normally, but it was too hard. He needed his inhaler, "I can't breath." He whispered losing more the ability to get enough oxygen in his system.

"Okay, okay, calm down. RJ, do you hear me ? Calm down, son ! Breath ! Halton, find me an inhaler ! Hurry up ! "

"But where ? "

"Go and get the school nurse, she's still here. Hurry the fuck up ! RJ, stay with me. Breath, calm down. Inhale, exhale. C'mon, do like me."

RJ tried to do this, but he couldn't. He was doing an attack, it was too late. The coach laid him on the floor and then checked on Trevor, who had passed out. He wiped his face and pulled his phone out, then dialed the 911.

"911, what is your emergency ? "

For Better...Or For Worse { And If... Sequel - IN WORK}Where stories live. Discover now