Chapter 17: Decisions

Start from the beginning

"Don't apologize." You say again. "I get it. I mean, I got it. It took me some time to sit and think through things, but I understand. Besides, it's not like it was all bad."

You see Eustass sigh. "Sure Mouse, but you're going to have to-."

"I'm not getting in that limo."

Kid growls. "Fucking hells Mouse, let me talk!"


"... What?" His voice, and expression, are a mix of surprise and irritation.

You came around the bed to the side Kid was on, internally relieved to see he was wearing pants. Not that you felt it was going to be any kind of saving grace at this point.

"There's... nothing you can say that's going to change my mind. So, I don't want you to talk. You c-can stand there glaring at me all n-night if you want," you can't help wilting a bit at the pointed glare you were getting from him. He was really big, and alarmingly intimidating even if you were certain he wouldn't hurt you. "But, I've made up my mind."


"I'm not getting in that limo." You repeat, doing your best to hold that golden gaze. "So, either I'm staying here, or I'm taking my chances out there."

"And if I put you in that limo?" There's an edge to his tone and you can see light flicker across his eyes.

"He said he would give me a choice, if I don't get in on my own, he won't accept it." You shoot back, not entirely sure if that was true, but you're hoping it is.

"You don't know that."

"I'm not getting in that limo!" You insist, your voice rising.

"You'll be safer in that limo!" Eustass barked.

"I don't care!"

"I do!"

"Then protect me!"

"I'M TRYING!" Eustass bellows, throwing his arms up in frustration.

"BULLSHIT!" You bark back at him. "You're giving up! You might not have felt guilty about me losing my hand when we first met, but you do now! You're struggling to find Decken and you're worried one slip-up is going to be the end of me, and -!"

"I'm not giving up!" Kid's voice booms in the room and you could almost feel the emotions rolling off of him. "That pink feathered bastard has more resources! Fuck, your father was a part of his family! They've been keeping you safe your whole gods-damned LIFE! You get that, Mouse?! You don't get in that limo and the Government's going to know about your abilities! I CAN'T STOP THAT!"

Your breath catches. The pain in Kid's eyes wasn't lost in the darkness. Your heart twisted hard, and you wanted to reach out to him, but you were afraid he'd knock your hand away. Whether he did or didn't, the idea of connecting with him right now felt like it would shatter your resolve.

After a moment you realized that if you did stay, and the government did become aware of you and your ability, then they would become aware of Kid and his crew as well. It wouldn't just be you caught in the crosshairs; you'd end up dragging everyone under.

"... I'll ruin your chances if I stay." You realize after a moment.

"What?" Kid's pained tone turns into confusion.

"You're the king of South Blue. You're going after the prize, and you have to keep-." You start, but Kid interrupts.

"How in the hell do you know about that?"

"Eh? You were grouchy about Luffy when we first met, and he's one so I mean, and you don't have a record 'cause you need to avoid the marines while you get established in the Metro... that's... that's how it works, right?"

"Did that rubber freak tell you everything?"

"I mean, he wanted me to join his crew, and he tried for a few weeks." You admit, feeling a little uncomfortable about it right now. "Though, Nami and Zoro told me most of what I," you shake your head mid-thought. "It doesn't matter."

You take a few steps back so you're not between Eustass and the door. "I'll... I'll go to my apartment after I get some sleep. He said I'll be safe, so it'll be easier to just..." You can feel the tears welling up inside you and can't finish the thought.

"Mouse... I..."

You shake your head. "Don't... say anything." You couldn't handle hearing an apology, or a confession, or anything. Not right now. It was everything you had in you to step aside at all.

Eustass' fists clench and he walks out of the room. You manage to hold your tears in for a few moments until you can make it to the bathroom where you're sure you can cry without being heard. It takes forever for your tears to dry up, and somehow you manage to not puke, even if you do cry into the toilet for a few minutes because it feels like you will.

What sleep you do get is useless, and barely more than a nap.

When you finally give up and get up for the day, the sun's still down and the sky's just barely beginning to lighten. You pull on some clothes and put your hair back in a ponytail before grabbing your wallet and apartment keys. You fill a backpack with a change or two of clothes, and leave the mouse plushie in the middle of the bed.

You slip quietly through an empty house, even though you're sure that at least one person is aware of your movements. You manage to not look back as you close the front door behind you, jogging down the driveway and heading for the nearest bus stop.

A/N - I feel like the last few chapters were a bit short, but they just all had such perfect endings. Next chapter should be longer ^^; 

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