Sh*t why does he look at me like that?! He totally knows something isn't right about this. But why isn't he turning us around?!

His eyes were covered in concern, yet he hid it well with determination to finish the task and move forward.

Even though he was plainly on edge, he didn't show it towards his friends. He remained collected, but quiet. And it made me feel even worse for it.

"Everyone got their weapons?" Liam asked before everyone nodded their heads and hid their guns inside their belts.

"Lead the way Bishop. This is your thing.... not ours." Zayn pushed as he nodded his head towards the building.

I glanced over at him before I licked my lips and nodded my head, feeling my heart race a million miles an hour.

The guys followed close behind as we made slow footsteps towards the house, careful to be quiet and to not be spotted.

My stomach twisted in tight knots the more I thought about this entire plan that Blake created. It was smart of him to come up with such a thing, yet I didn't want to be involved with it.

I know killing people is part of the gang life, but I never wanted to be blood guilty. Especially over someone who has been decent with me.

I started to feel nauseous as I stood right by the front door, debating if I should lead them inside or not.

I was going over all the reasons why I should while my mind was splitting off into reasons why I shouldn't. It was a battle I couldn't control. A battle I was afraid I was going to loose to.

"You okay?" Harry whispered as he towered over me, his breath fanning my neck.

I glanced over my shoulder and up at his dark green eyes, the moon just barely giving me enough light to see his features.

"Yeah." I let out a shaky breath as I nodded my head, knowing it sounded hard to believe.

Before the boys could question my stalling, I decided it was time to act upon my brother's wishes.

I am a Bishop, daughter of the Rain family. I can't disappoint them. I think I've already done that enough. I cannot side with the Violent Kings over my own blood. It would be shameful of me to do such a thing. They've given me no reason to betray my own kind.

My shaky hand wrapped around the door handle before I opened it slowly, cringing as it creaked against the hinges.

After it opened wide enough, I stepped inside the dusty building, refraining myself from letting a cough out since it was so stuffy in here.

I felt like I could barely breathe as we walked through the old house, wondering when was the last time someone has been in here.

Zayn raised his sleeve to his nose as he tried to shield it from the dusty air, feeling it suffocate him as well.

I kept my eyes forward as we walked past the living room and made our way to the open hallway, refusing to look at Harry as he kept a close eye on me.

My heart was beating so loud I was starting to wonder if Harry could hear it.

The house had many gaping holes in the roof, causing the moonlight to seep through and shine on the marbled floor beneath us. It made it easier to see where I was going.

The room fell silent as we all crowded in the middle of the house, a large staircase to our far left wrapped around the middle, causing it to look like we were in a large circle.

My body shivered from the cold breeze going down my spine, causing my senses to be on high alert for what was to come.

As we all stood there, the only thing I could hear was my own heartbeat pounding in my ears, counting down the seconds until Blake comes in and burns this place to ashes.

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