24. Special Delivery

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1 year later

''I robert Baratheon, king of the andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." Barristan read off. "Here by declares, Lord Eddark Stark of Winterfell the true and rightful heir of the iron throne. In addition, Jurassic Island will receive funds every moon to help further their knowledge of the creatures and plants on the island and help them create and expand the advancements in weaponry and technology, helping guide the realms into the future."

Ned couldn't believe his ears. Robert had wrote all this... Lena had wrote all this.

"Kings and Queens will rule justly and fair. It will no longer be a dictatorship. The sons and daughters of the king and queen will not inherit the throne. They will be chosen. Men and women both will have the choice to rule."

Roberts signature at the bottom. Ned stared down at the words.

"When did Lena do this?" Sansa questioned softly.

"Damn... that girl is a mastermind."

"What do you say lord stark... King of the seven kingdoms?" Barriston remarked fondly.


'Delivery Lena!" Ellie declared. "Special delivery!"

"Hi." Lena said coming up behind them.

"Shipment from the crown. King Eddard Stark." Lena smiled as she opened up the chest. Tools, material, ale and supplies. So much gold. Lena locked eyes with the black haired boy before her.

"Thank you." Lena rasped. "This is... the king is dead."

"Long live King Stark." the man agreed.

"Did we get it!" Maisie questioned running up with Arya.

"Shipments for a few moons." he agreed.

"Jon?" Arya questioned.

"Father said you were here." Jon agreed.

"Oh, is this your brother? Jon... snow?" Lena questioned.

"My brother." Arya agreed hugging him. "I can't believe you are here!"

"I'm Jon Stark now." Jon corrected.

"Father legitimized you?" Arya questioned proudly.

"He did... he also said our Aunt Lyanna came here years ago, before the war and was confident that Lena would have a journal with something that might help me..." Jon remarked a bit confused. "He was very vague about it."

"Maybe your mum was a grady!" Arya declared.

"Oh, do I have another brother? That would be cool." Lena remarked. "Please come in." She declared as Sandor and Owen took the trunk.

"What do we got here?" Jon turned at the voice.

"Your brother sends his regards." Jon remarked.

"Hand of the king, I'm surprised but I'm glad for Tyrion." Jaime declared his hand gripped his hand cane as he walked.

"What happened?" Jon questioned. Jaime stood tall but he was different than the last time they met. Not just his cane but his eyes. He was less pompous, there was a kindness of within him, an at ease way about him. It was like he was a different person.

"Rhaenyra bit him." Arya remarked happily.

"Rhaenyra? The Targaryen?" Jon questioned.

"The black mamba." Lena clarified but wings flying closer could be heard.

"I stabbed her." Maisie added. "Then Lena chopped her head off."

"Then my wonderful wife created an antidote and saved my life." Jaime agreed as a dragon swooped down.

"Wow..." Jon rasped. "That's intense." Before the dragon screeched out and Jon dropped to the ground. "What the hell is that?" Jon shouted.

"Meemaw Vhagar." Lena answered nonchalantly. "Quazie and Vhagar are getting along great. Im hoping for baby dino dragons in their future."

"Yeah. Thats totally... wow." Jon whispered as Arya helped him. "Okay this place-"

"Jon you have to stay!" Arya declared. "By the way... This is Maisie she is my sister!" Arya exclaimed leaning into Maisie. "I love her and you are going to love her too."

"My daughters." Lena agreed. "If you are not my brother, I would gladly adopt you too." Lena remarked.

"We have our own son coming." Jaime reminded her bringing a hand to her stomach. Lena leaned into him.

"A prophet are you?" Lena mused.

"I'm so excited to have another sibling!" Maisie declared. "It took you long enough."

"I'm sorry, I like to be married before I start popping out babies." Lena countered. "It's Jaime's fault for taking so long to ask me to marry him."

"Correct." Jaime agreed. "Because you are beautifully intimidating and I didn't want to get eaten or stomped on if I asked too soon."

"You stayed on the island for me. I knew in that moment that we were forever." Lena assured kissing him again.

When they got to the lab Lena started looking for some answers for Jon. It was clear that Jon's past was weighing on him. Lena wanted to help in any way she could.

"Let's see, I keep all the study logs... The rebellion was..." Lena scanned the bookshelf. "Stark... Stark... Oh we had a Targaryen at that time. I was young, really young. You remember this Owen?"

"Rhaegar... sounds familiar." Owen agreed.

"Here it is." Lena declared and Jon leaned in. "Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark arrived on the island as newly weds in search of an adventure." Lena rasped. Jon blinked back at the words. "By the time they left... Lyanna was pregnant, glowing... completely in love."

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