20. No Murder Required

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"That was not the plan!" Cersei shouted.

"What plan?" Jaime countered coming behind them.

"This conniving little bitch-" cersei began.

"Yes do tell your handsome twin brother about your plans for me to kill the king." Lena agreed and Jaimes eyes widened and his jaw slacked.

"What?" Jaime spat.

"Lying little bitch." Cersei hissed.

"Cersei enough! Lena didnt do anything. The island has deadly plants Joffrey was probably being an idiot. He take after you in that sense and ate something or put his nose in places it didnt belong." Jaime declared.

"Not going to address the whole cersei wanting her husband dead thing?" Lena murmured pouring herself some juice. "Right because that's probably really normal."

"She killed joffrey I know it!" Cersei shouted.

"Why would I do that?" Lena countered.

"To get jaime to yourself!"

"I had him to myself." Lena informed her. "No murder required."

"Congratulations you fucked a whore. Father would be proud!" Cersei sassed.

"Cersei enough. Lena is a wonderful woman. She is beautiful and brilliant and-" Jaime went on as Cersei scoffed.

"You were mine!" Cersei shouted.

"Here I thought Joffrey was your son. The two of you. Born of incest." Lena remarked. "But Jaime doesnt seem to like you. Didnt seem all that rattled by Joffreys untimely death. You clearly love him too much but now Im thinking damn." Lena remarked calmly as she plucked a piece of mango between her fingers. "What did she do besides clearly being a manipulative bitch to get you in her very tight corset to begin with? I dont see the appeal." She stuck the mango in her mouth letting her finger drag away from lips.

Lena walked off feeling both victorious and like day four... five... God she was losing count- was going to be a go home for all of them day.

Lena just grazed Maisies door when she heard laughter coming from inside. She pushed it open just slightly to see Arya and Maisie sword fighting.

"Impressive." Lena remarked and Arya faltered.

"Dont tell my father. He doesnt know about the blade." Arya begged.

"Every warrior should. That is a fine little blade." Lena remarked.

"My brother got it for me." Arya informed her proudly.

"Good brother... my brother got me my first blade. I gave Maisie her first dagger then blade... she could teach you a thing or two." Lena offered and maisie nodded eagerly.

"You are quick but need better form." Lena added. "You can practice outside it would give you more room."

"My father-"

"Is busy and we know a hiding spot." Lena offered.

Lena watched the girls train contently. Maisie couldnt stop smiling. She had a sister. Lena knew it would kill her when Arya went home. 

Lena didnt notice Jaime coming up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. 

"Oh hello there." Lena whispered leaning into him. 

"I'm sorry about Cersei."

"Me too..." Lena murmured. 

"She should not have spoken to you like that or asked you to... anything like that." Jaime said vaguely. 

"You know this place is dangerous." Lena reminded him. 

"I know..." Jaime agreed. 

"Your son not son died, strange toxins seeped into the food. We make everything on the island... it happens. That batch was properly disposed of." Lena lied. "It just shows how fragile life is." 

"To we should make the most of every moment." Jaime agreed turning her hips in his hands so she was looking into his eyes. "I like you Lena. I want to stay. I have never felt like this before... I have never felt free either. It was always Cersei and I. She was the boss. I did as she said. I wasnt innocent in it." Jaime murmured. "But I thought I loved her... I do love her she is family but sometimes I think it would be better if she was gone. She is even more twisted than Joffrey was... I kept thinking how did she go so wrong with him but Joffrey is very much like Cersei. Bossy and bitchy and needed everything to be his way all the time or he threw a fit, hurt people... I'm sorry if Cersei hurt you."

"I got thick skin." Lena assured wrapping a hand around his neck and pulling him down to her. 

"I don't know about Lannister." Arya remarked as they glanced back at Lena and Jaime. 

"Lena likes him. Besides he's going home in a few days."

"Home." Arya hissed. "I want this to be my home!"

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