7. Shadows

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"Oh look..." Lena whispered seeing a shadow in the lagoon below.

"Aquilla." Maisie remarked. 

"Is that a fish?" Arya questioned. 

"Aquilops." Lena informed her. "She likes the lights."

"Her name is Aquilla." Maisie told them. 

"You name all your dinosaurs?" Ned questioned. 

"Every one we meet." Lena agreed. "They are like our children." 

"She kinda of looks like a lizard." Jaime remarked. 

"She has a leopard like tail." Lena pointed as she swam back and forth. "Some bugs are drawn to the light and she sneaks in, I think she uses the tunnels to come and go.  She's a good jumper too. You see her moving?" They nodded but Ned's gaze shifted to the eyes staring back at him from the ceiling. Watching their every move but Lena and Owen didnt seem worried... yet Ned was worried. 

"Is Aquilla dangerous?" Ned asked. "Like if... she came up and decided to take a bite out of us and not chase after bugs." Lena laughed out. 

"I always forget how scared visitors are of everything." Lena remarked grabbing Ned's shoulder. "Aquilla has small but sharp teeth, she could take a bite out of you if she wanted to but I think a bite is all she would do before she decided you were not her type." Ned blinked back at her. "She does prefer insects."

"How do you know?" 

"We study all the dinosaurs, to get a better understanding of them and how they live." Lena remarked. Lena held up a finger. "She also bit me when I was trying to give her some bugs we caught." Jaime touched her hand bringing it up to his face to see the little puncture scars. "She spit out my blood confused and frustrated." Lena informed them. 

"Can I do it?" Maisie whispered and Lena nodded nudging the group back. 

"Again, please remain calm, we are professionals." Lena reminded the. 

"Archie. Come." Maisie declared. The eyes blinked in sync back at them before the room went dark and silent. The only light coming from the little lagoon below. Then all the Archaeopteryx's hanging from the ceiling like bats opened their eyes, claws released from the wall, wings extended coming right at them. 


"They should be back by now." Cersei spat. 

"They are hiking, let the fuckers hike." Robert sneered. 

"He is going to eat all our rations." Claire murmured.

"You are always to gung hoe about royals visiting." Alan countered. 

"Not when they eat and drink all our rations." Claire countered. 

"What do you want me to do? Tell the king he's fat enough and to put it down? I'm not losing my head for a few loaves of bread." Alan remarked confidently. 

"I'm so bored! What is there to do on this stupid island?" Joffrey demanded. 

"You should have joined them on their hike, I assure you they are having a grand time." Alan remarked. Joffrey blinked back at him. 

"Mother, this man's face annoys me." JOffrey declared. Alan turned around. 

"My face?" Alan whispered to Ellie. 

"It's a nice face." Ellie assured. "I don't know what he is complaining about." 

That was another thing that got Lena in a mood. Ellie and Alan were destined to be together. Loved each other for years. Then Owen and Claire became a thing and Lena was left with visitors that sometimes didnt leave the island. Not in the way she wanted them to stay but by getting eaten. Sometimes she would see their bones laying about the forest. 

Sometimes she took those bones and made weapons. She wasnt proud of it. She was proud of her skill at turning bones into arrowheads and spears but not the dead lovers part. 

Fucked one day and using their bones the next. That was less than ideal but they were already dead, they didnt need their bones anymore...

Lena had Maisie and Maisie was great, wonderful. But Lena wanted someone to love, really love. She had meet a few possibilities over the years but most men that came had a family member or two eaten and then they decided her spunky can do attitude and brilliant mind were not worth almost getting eaten.

She didnt blame them. Not really. But then she saw Ellie and Alan being all cute and in love. Then Owen and Claire, but Claire made her want to gag more than lovesick. 

Then Jaime Lannister came and his face, Gods that man knew he was gorgeous and Lena wanted him. Even if it was just for a night.

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