Chapter 5.1 : Febuary Love Anxiety

Start from the beginning

Axol: Then what are we going to do? I'm panicing* 

Mario: I don't know man I'm panicing too.

Axol: *panic* AHHHH.

Mario: *panic AHHHH.

Axol: *intense panik* AHHHHHHH!!!

Mario: *intense panik* AHHHHHHH!!!

Luigi: what's going on here? I heard screaming.

Mario: We're kinda panicing here Luigi.

Luigi: For what?

Axol: Valentine's Day coming up and we don't know what to do.

Luigi: ohhhh I see. Well I can help you if want.

Mario: Really? Well thank you bro.

Luigi: No problem. Anyways to help you. I need you to answer a few question in this survey.

Axol: Ok.

Luigi: Alright first question What time of the day is the best for a date?

Axol: uhhhhh 6 pm?

Mario: 7 pm?

Luigi: Ok We'll be here for a while.


Melony: *humming* 

???: Hey there beautiful.

Melony: huh?

Carlos: look like I just found myself an angel. Say why don't we go for walk at my favorite place?

Melony: Hmph! *turn away to ignore him*

Carlos: What's wrong?

Melony: Mawryo told me that you are a big meanie and I'll be going fawr a walk with Axol.

Carlos: Come on screw that Skinny fish head, You desserved a handsome guy like me. Now Let's go.

Melony: No! go away big meanie.

Carlos: *grab Melony's arm* I SAID LET"S G- *get kick in the nuts* *bell ring* AHHHHHHH *fall down* my golden bells.

Meggy: Hand off her Giant muscle jerk. Come on Melony Let's go meet the others.

Melony: Okay!!!

Narrator: Both of them walk away while Carlos having a royal pain.


Luigi: alright last question: What is the best place for a date?

Axol: picnic on a mountain.

Mario: Spaghetti Factory!!

Luigi: ok Let's see the result. Axol you got 45% cahnce that your date will sucessful.

Axol:  Yes, I got the skilled.

Luigi: But Mario in the other hand you got 15% chance.

Mario: What? why?

Luigi: Well bro first off you should have helped her to get up the mountain, You shouldn't have prank her by pushing her down a grand canyon and Spaghetti Factory is a great place for a date.

Mario: Oh dang it! wait...all of these question sound familiar.

Axol: Yeah it does. wait don't tell us that-

Luigi: Well I thought going on a date on Valentine's day would be great idea, You get to talk with your date about anything, Spending time with them and if its sucess you might get her as a girlfriend, right guys?

Mario and Axol: *standing still with a shocked face*

Luigi: Guys?

Mario and Axol: *start melting*

Luigi: GUYS!!!! don't melt yet you got a date on Valentine's Day.

Narrator: Both Axol and Mario melt into puddle and Luigi runnig to get a bucket.


Saiko: *open her locker, grab some book, look at a box with bow on it and smile*

Tari: Hey Saiko.

Saiko: *surprised, quickly close her locker and turn around to face Tari*

Tari: So have you heard that Valentine's Day coming up?

Saiko: *nod with a worried smile*

Tari: I'm so excited although I don't know who should I give the gift to.

Boopkins: *walk to Tari* Don't worry Tari Valentine's Day isn't just giving a gift to your girlfriend or crush. You can give a gift to your family and friends too.

Tari: You're right I should go getting the gift right now. *look at the watch* Shoot I have to go! *run as fast as she can*

Saiko: phew.

Boopkins: Wow must be something really important.

SMG4: Hey guys.

Boopkins: Hi SMG4.

SMG4: What are you guys talking about?

Boopkins: Oh We're talking about Valentine's Day.

SMG4: Oh...ok.

Boopkins: What's wrong SMG4? you look a little bit sad.

SMG4: Well every year I kinda jealous of you guys because i don't really get date, a partner or even a love letter. It's kinda lonely to be honest.

Boopkins: Aww I'm so sorry SMG4-

Bob: Hey I know why ou got no b***hes because look at your clothes. those are ugly as f**k while look at me with these sexi clothes-

SMG4: Shut up Bob *open his locker and something fall off* Huh? What this?- *got pushed by Bob* Ow hey!!

Bob: Oh a letter maybe It's for m- *got punch and flew away* Ow my ovaries!!

Narrator: SMG4 grab the letter and everyone look at it for a few second.

Boopkins: Well It's a letter with flower and heart on Its back- ohhhhhh SMG4 do you know what it is?

SMG4: what?

Bob: It must be your lucky year.

SMG4: what do you mean? 

Boopkins: It's a love letter.

SMG4: A Love letter?! There's no way. This nust be some kind of prank but if It's real, who put it in my locker?

Narrator: While everyone was confused about the letter, There's someone hiding around the corner.

???: ......

???: Senpai.

To be continued.....

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