~ Break in ~

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Y/n's POV:

Well it started 2 days ago, I had been sleeping peacefully but got woken up by a loud noise, i fluttered my eyes open and sat up in my bed, i looked around the room just to find nothing but my door slightly opened and some dresses on the floor. I looked back at the door, confused over why the door was slightly open, i know i closed it before I went to bed.

That's when i heard the noises again and my head snapped towards the door again. Someone was out in my living room, i could see them moving around like crazy. I slowly moved my hand towards the bedside table and opened it slowly, making sure to not make any noise, i grabbed the small silver scalpel that i had bought a few days prior to this event. I would normally use a scalpel to kill people and torture them but my old scalpel had gone dull and i needed to use more force when i killed.

I quietly rolled out of bed and headed towards the bedroom door, not making a sound as i crept forward. I listened for any kind of sound only to be met with complete silence, Whatever that had been in my living room has gone completely silent. I stared at my hands for a little bit until i heard the door creak open and in stepped a tall figure, they wore all black, their hood was up, had a dark blue mask and blue surgical gloves. Just from looking at their body i could tell they were male.

On instincts i pounced on the man and pinned him to the ground. the man fell to the floor with a loud thump, i held up my scalpel to his throat " VEM ÄR DU?!" i hissed towards him, all he let out was a deep and muffled growl which sent shivers down my spine. 

He shoved me off and sat on top of me, he placed his scalpel at my throat and growled even more, i spat right in his face and screamed "DU MOSAR MIG! AV! INNAN JAG HALSHUGGER DIG DITT FETA FAN!". The man tilted his head as if he was confused, now when i think of it i should've said it in english.

For a second he lifted the scalpel off my throat and i took this opportunity to push his hand away and get on top of him again, i moved around on him before hearing a grunt come from him. I ignored it and took my scalpel and lifting up his hoodie slightly, all i saw was grey. His skin was grey and he had some hair right by his v line, Brown hair.

I placed my scalpel lightly against his skin and pressed down a bit making sure to cut through his skin slightly, making a cut along the middle of his stomach. It bled a bit, from the hissing i heard from the man it must've hurt.

then i felt something press up against my ass, something hard. that's when i THREW myself off of him and backed into a wall, the man sat up and hissed a bit more before chuckling lowly. Then sirens were heard and i could see how the man tensed up, "Tell anyone i was here and you wont wake up tomorrow, sweetheart." he said lowly, his voice raspy and deep. Then he went back out to the living room and left.

After that the police arrived and questioned me about the noise that was heard up in my apartment, i simply told them that i fell out of bed and then tripped while getting a glass of water. The Police officier was happy with my answer and left, something in my gut told me he'd be back soon. And it'd be twice as hard to stop him.

-Next Morning-

I never went to sleep after the police left, instead i went out for a hunt. I sat in a tree at 5 am just aiming my bow and arrow towards someone's head. They were sitting outside, taking a break from their morning jog, my killing process is long. I stalk my prey for a few weeks and move stuff around just to mess with their heads, they always seem insane to the police or other people. I always wore black and my beautiful mask, It was a ghostface mask pretty basic i know.

I killed 4 people, took the money they had on them and then cut in arrows into their arms. My  night seemed pretty succesful, I wasn't bothered or anything like that during the night which to me was amazing, sure i heard the sirens going off in the distance when i was running out of victim fours house but otherwise nothing.

As i was heading back to my house during the early morning, looking in through my kitchen window i could see something moving. Something big.

Chase the Huntress ( Eyeless jac x reader )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin