~ The Hunt ~

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Third Person's POV:

Y/n ran out through her front door and crossed the road, heading for the forest right in front of her, the blue masked man not so far behind.

Y/n knew he would come so she had prepared for his arrival.

Running through the forest with the blue masked man not so far behind made it hard to even think about a plan. She knew that she had to get to a higher ground then Him. She turned left and then turned right trying to get him the slightest confused about where she was and when everything went quiet after a while, she started slowing down.

She hurriedly climbed up a big and tall tree, she sat down on one of the branches and grabbed an arrow, aiming at the small opening between two trees she just had came from. A few mintues later a man in all black, blue surgical gloves and a dark blue mask showed up, he was panting loudly and growling slightly. The growling made Y/n shiver as she aims towards the creatures head. Suddenly in just a matter of seconds he turned his head towards her and made 'eye contact', Y/n gasped and hid behind the trunk only to hear running and then climbing.

Y/n quickly stod up on the branch she once sat on and jumped over to the tree next to her, she did this a couple times until there was no tree in reach and the blue masked man had just climbed up the first tree she sat in.

She sat down before she leaped forward and landed on the ground with a loud thump, she quickly stod up and  started running once again.

The creature still not so far behind, it was extremely muddy outside. The H/C haired girl slipped and fell forward, her foot had gotten stuck under a root and she was now laying in the ground covered in mud.

Y/n's POV:

The man pinned me down,my hands above my head and the mans free hand slithered down my body searching for any kind of extra weapons. My bow and arrows where laying a bit to my left, just out of reach. His big hands stopped at my waist, searching aggressively. He quickly found the small scalpel that was strapped to my waist, he inspected it quickly before shoving it down into his pocket.

His blue mask shined in  the moonlight, i could now see it much clearer. The blood stains under the eyes, the cracks that were spread out and the black substance oozing down his cheeks. I could hear his heavy breathing as he fastened his grip on my wrists. 

Now you might be wondering how i ended up in this situation... well it-

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