• Stella Anderson

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April 2039 - Seattle

My consciousness went in and out, the misted and fogged over Seattle air clouding my vision as I was drug by my arms through the slick mud. I was shaken awake aggressively by a scar and before I could process my circumstances, a tight and scratchy noose was strapped around my neck and I absently struggled against the hold of the scar but to no avail.

"No, let me go!" I cried out in anger and felt my chest tighten up with fear as they stood me up onto the tips of my toes. My hands were tightly bound behind me and I felt my shoulders ache with how tight they were held back. "Ah!" I cried as the noose was tightened, leaving little space for air to travel to my lungs and it didn't take me long to begin panicking as I was lifted in the air, gasping for the breath I was sure was going to be taken away from me.

"Oh my god, oh my god," My chest tightened horribly.

It was my worst fear in the world and they knew it.

Not being able to breathe.

A singular frail metal pail was placed just barely below the tips of my toes. One accidental movement and I'd be hung to my death.

A woman with dark brown hair stood in front of me, lowering her hood. Deep, thick, healed cuts lined the apples of her cheeks down to the edge of her jaw.

Fucking Scars.

My eyes were wide with fear and I sucked in panicked breaths. She studied me head to toe with a curled lip, tilting her head to the side menacingly. "Where is my cat?" I begged, tears threatening to slide down my face at any moment at the thought of losing him. "I swear to fucking god, if anything happens to him. You're all fuckin' dead."

She reached into my pocket and her fingers grasped around the stolen ripe apple tucked away and she pulled it out slowly before taking a sloppy bite, then forcing it in between my teeth.

"You like stealing from us, Wolf?"

With anger, I spit it out and it rolled to a halt right next to her foot. She glanced up at me and then slowly, she began lifting my t-shirt exposing my belly where she gradually inched a knife - where from, don't even know - across the skin. Across the line on my lower belly where my womb was. She tilted her head to the side menacingly once more and I stifled a hiss, fresh blood beginning to ooze down past my shorts and down my thigh.

"A shame. You would've been a perfect wife. Your reproductive system is astoundingly intact," The woman speaks in waves as she glides the blade sickeningly and antagonizingly slowly across the line on my lower belly.

"No-" I croaked, squeezing my eyes shut, awaiting for her next sick move. Bile rose in my throat, nearly about to come out any second upon hearing her words.

"They are nested with sin. Free them. For that they may know my love." The woman spoke calmly like nothing at all was wrong.

The second-long bone chilling silence despite my struggles against the rope were ultimately deafening.

Slowly once more, she drug the tip of the knife deep through 2 layers of my skin immediately drawing more blood and the pain caused me to cry out in agony.

"Where is she?" The woman asked composedly for the millionth time.

"I'm not telling you shit." I claimed as I struggled through a croaky voice and she side-eyed a Scar standing next to her.

I had no idea who she was talking about, maybe she meant Abby. Even if she didn't, these assholes don't deserve to hear shit from me.

The side eye turned into a scowl and aggressively, she pulled my hair back by my ragged ponytail and a throaty grunt escaped my throat as she held a knife to the base of my jugular, the dingy scarf around my neck slowly flowing free.

This is it, isn't it?

She stopped abruptly for a moment and I was confused as to why until I heard a thoughtful hum fall from her lips as she traced the scar tissue deep in my collarbone that had been accidentally exposed with the tip of her knife, almost mockingly.

"Demon." Was all she had whispered under her breath.

"Why haven't you turned yet?" She asked as if she was asking herself. As much as I wanted to keep a calm and collected persona, but also stifle that and spit in this bitch's ugly ass fuckin' face, I couldn't help the cocky, bloody smirk taking over.

"Why don't you fuck around and find out, you sick fuck."

Her face pinched in anger at my smart mouth and before I knew it she had raised her knife so fast, I was barely even able to blink.

She was nearly about to slice clean right into me when through the corner of my peripherals, my eyes fell onto a barely noticeable figure tucked away in the bushes, her auburn hair half up and dark eyes wild with inquirement and malice -a cat - my cat's head - poking out of the top of the backpack strapped to her shoulders.

We met brief eyes and I questioned the feeling deep in my core. But I knew one thing for sure; she was not one of them - or one of us.

Who are you?

"They are nested with sin. Free them. For that they may know my-" A sharp, loud and ongoing whistle cut the woman off from her repetitive chants and it halted her dead in her tracks.

It happened within a matter of seconds.

Mere, short, short, seconds.

A loud bang went off and human matter splattered against myself and my clothing, the explosion causing my ears to ring and nearly causing me to lose my balance. I screamed out in both panic and surprise as my hands weren't able to move and any second now I was going to hang to my death.

"Ambush, ambush! Watch the girl, she doesn't leave here alive!" I heard and another loud bang went off and smoke clouded the misted evergreen around me, gunshots going off loud and clear. Just barely catching something over the smoke, I took notice of the same figure with a bow aimed high and steady, a ragged, yet prominent moth and fern tattoo splayed across her slim forearm. Is she attacking them..?

Smoke infiltrated my lungs like poison and coughs erupted from me and just like that, in a matter of milliseconds, my foot had slipped from the stool.

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