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Odis, who was the subject of Qiao Qixi's conversation, was unconcerned with the surroundings. He would only hunt seals or even walruses if they had a pair of tusks, in contrast to Qiao Qixi's ineffective hunting technique.

Because they are meaty.

You will be able to eat a full meal after one successful hunt.

Polar bears often leave after a full meal and are not accustomed to hiding any remaining prey.

Other polar bears are easily attracted by the smell of blood, and if they are pursued, it will be a fierce battle.

The price-performance ratio of fighting is not high, so polar bears who are already full will opt to leave their kill and go on.

They enjoy cleaning, and they will remove leftover food from their body to avoid leaving a smell and making their whereabouts known.

Usually, a polar bear's appearance will tell you whether or not it is doing well. It is operating successfully if it has a very tidy appearance and smooth lines.

It is not doing well if it is filthy and untidy.

Otis may not be as new as 90% of Qiao Qixi's fur, but 80% of the fur is still quite white.

Otis, who exudes calm and composure, was successful on his first hunt following his comeback. He couldn't finish it since it was a ringed seal weighing a hundred catties.

Otis licked his lips and raised his head, guarding the small amount of food that was still available. His expression appeared to be the unique blankness of polar bears as his eyes scanned the ice.

Perhaps he was on the lookout for any strange polar bears nearby.

Or perhaps he was on the lookout for something.

The nearly two months this polar bear spent in the rescue station left some impressions.

He will eventually forget about those two brief months, though.

In terms of intelligence level alone, the intelligence level of polar bears is not low, otherwise it is impossible to become the king on the ice.

But the intelligence of polar bears is only reflected in survival skills, and is not sensitive to other information except survival-related information.

They have stopped evolving and have limited intelligence, not the manifestation of IQ.

The majority of polar bears' behaviour, according to scientists, consists of instinctive responses.

Qiao Qixi has little knowledge of polar bears and is unaware that the rescue station is closely monitoring his path back to nature.

The data from Qiao Qixi is a little odd when compared to the trajectories of other polar bears. Polar bears, after all, don't lead very routine lives, like frequently moving between different breathing holes throughout the day and preferring to sleep in the same spot.

Staying in a place that is familiar to Qiao Qixi is one of the ways for him to gain a sense of security because he needs it.

He sees this as his personal domain.

However, lingering here for a while will leave a strong odour, and eventually, no more marine animals will come to Qiao Qixi's breathing hole.

As a result, the "eat and wait to die" strategy has failed, and Qiao Qixi still needs to create his own hunting grounds.

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