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emersyn sat in her best friend, nicks room, anxiously as the countdown timer went down and chris put her phone down to live stream it on instagram

the people there were chris, nick, and luke. as much as emersyn wanted matt to be there, he wasnt, because he was in his room with eleanor.

emersyn felt hurt as his brothers told her the reason why he wasnt there, but she tried to hide her frown since her first song was coming out.

"2 MINUTES" chris yells, jumping up and down

"emmy why are you shaking?" luke chuckles, putting his hand on hers to make it stop shaking

"im nervous, what if literally no one likes the song?" emersyn looks at him

"then its their loss, dont doubt yourself, youre amazing" nick says

"THREE, TWO, ONE" chris yells as the song starts playing

"my double vision, is only amplifyin' everythin' he isnt.."

"ICONIC" nick yells

"listen to the song nick" luke laughs softly

"if i move out this year, ill feel my parents slipping"

"emersyn" luke looks at her

"i was gonna put the word brother but it just didnt fit" she shrugs

"OH I KNOW, SPIRALI-" chris yells

"chris shut the fuck up" matt enters the room with eleanor behind him

emersyn immediately looks away from them. they were holding hands. their fingers interlocked and everything. emersyn just looked at her hands

she wanted to be holding matts hand, she really wanted to. what she didnt know, is that matt wanted to hold emersyns hand too.

"uhm, congrats on the song or whatever" matt puts his lips into a straight line

"thank you" she says quietly

the song ends after nick and chris screamed the lyrics, well, the ones they knew. matt and eleanor had left before the song had ended.

emersyn acted so off after seeing matt and eleanor, and her friends and brother noticed.

"okay guys uhm, thank you for joining and for listening, byee" emersyn ends the live eith a smile, but it quickly fades after tapping the end button

"nick, chris, are they dating?" she looks down

"noo" chris says "yes" he hesitates

"since when?" she asks

"since the day you saw them together at the cafeteria" nick says

"and you guys werent gonna tell me?" she looks at them

"emmy we were but you were already stressed out with writing the new song and recording this one and with school and it was just too much" nick says "please dont be mad"

"no, im not mad at you guys, it isnt your fault" she sighs

"sorry" chris says

"im okay, dont be sorry" she smiles softly

she wasnt okay.


i miss you, im sorry ||  matt sturnioloKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat