Chapter 1-3: 🥀Garden Decoration🥀

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The five of you finally made it inside the Hall of Mirrors. You had to practically drag Grim with you so that he wouldn't run off.

When you made it to the Heartslabyul dorm mirror, you were a little hesitant. It wasn't the most inviting feeling you have ever gotten from a place. This would also be your very first time entering a mirror portal, well awake and aware that is.

Deuce and Ace walked through as if it were nothing, causing a ripple affect with a small white glow in the center. Exhaling, you did the same. What caught you off guard was that it didn't feel like water at all. It felt more like a giant pot of wet noodles soaking in water was dumped on you.

Upon opening your eyes you saw a rather large red and white mansion. A garden with heart shaped rose bushes hugged the stone walk way.

Yuu stepped in shortly after you did. Since you were now all here, you let a now excited Grim go.

"Dang, this place is swank! This is nothing like our dumpster of a dorm." He said in awe, as small sparkles seemed to fill his eyes.

"Our dorm is a work-in-progress!" Yuu stated while lightly and politely smacking the back of Grim's head.

"Comparison will only make you more miserable Grim." Your words pierced his small head as you walked past his floating form to catch up with the duo. Yuu followed behind you at a quick pace.


Inside the rose maze, you almost wished to leave immediately. Red paint puddles stained the grass while more red paint dripped off the rose bushes. This was not at all healthy for the grass. Soon your ears picked up the sound of another person in that very same garden.

"Aww yeah, I am getting my paint on!" A boy with shoulder length hair stated while sitting upon the top of a latter. "Ah, someone's here" Grim noted a little surprised.

"They all gotta be red, or it's "off with my head"!" Said boy rhymed with a smile.

Yuu placed a hand on his head slightly scrunching his face, "Whoa, déjà vu. I've seen this somewhere before..." mumbled the black haired boy.

"Did you say something friend Yuu? Is your head alright?" You slowly questioned while placing both of your hands on his shoulders.

"It's nothing.. I'm fine. Thank you for worrying about me." Smiles the young man.

This in turn made you smile as well, "Please tell me if you wish to leave. I can take you to the nurse if needed."

"You don't need to go that far! Th-Thank you for the concern though." Nervously stuttered an embarrassed Yuu.

You chuckled at his reaction before walking over to the duo who stood beside the unknown person.

The new boy with his bangs clipped back looked down from the top of the latter, pausing his painting. "Huh...? You guys need something?" He tilted his head to the side slightly.

"What are you doing there?" Muttered a curious Ace. It was still audible for the new person to hear though.

"Are you blind? I'm painting these roses red, duh." Nonchalantly explained the said male.

Deuce, Ace, and you all flinched. "What? Why?!" demanded Deuce.

"Ah ha ha. So naïve, you put the "n" in newb." Chuckled the boy before realization sunk in, "Hold the phone," he said before jumping off the latter and landing on his feet, "I know you! You're the ones who broke a billion-thaumark chandelier and nearly got expelled for it, yeah?" The boy held a wide smile while teasing the other young boys.

Your chuckle was enough to make the others sweatdrop. "That chandelier is gonna haunt us till the day we graduate, isn't it?" Ace quickly said to himself while looking down with a defeated expression.

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