🧽First Day At School🧽

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The sun rose over the school and peeked through the curtains of the room you shared with Yuu and Grim. Grim laid at the foot of the bed while you held Yuu captive in your strong arms. That was until three familiar ghosts decided to disrupt the peaceful moment before them.

"Hee hee hee... Aren't the two of you supposed to be off cleaning the school today?" Báo asked as he hovered above you three.

Grim kept his eyes closed not wanting to wake up. "Mmmmm... Nngh... Five more minutes, Ma..."

Duān then appeared beside Báo with his usual sly looking smile. "Go ahead, sleep the day away. And you might not eeever hafta wake up again."

Kuān also became visible as he hovered above you three as well. "Just like us! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!" He chimed in.

"Myah?! The ghosts are back! Hey, you guys, up and at 'em!" Grim yelped as he leaped from the bed.

Yuu groaned not wanting to leave his heat source, which happened to be you. You on the other hand released him from your arms as you sat up and stretched your arms. Grim watched as you yawned and he was surprised by how sharp and long your fangs were. "Myah! You have such sharp fangs Y/n!"

"I am a dragon Grim. My teeth are extremely sharp because of it."

Báo then flew in front of your face,"So I hear you'll be living here from now on? Hope you like pranks as much as we do! Hya ha ha!" He warned with an amused tone and expression.

"I do not mind. As long as it does not disrupt the order of our house hold then you are free to do as you wish." You replied as you rubbed the sleepiness from your eyes with the palm of your hands.

The egotistical Grim then spoke his opinion with great annoyance, "We gotta get rid of those things for good!"

Only a moment after his words were said footsteps were heard. Not a moment later Crowley walked into the room. "Good morning, Yuu and Y/n. Did you sleep well?"

"Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame! Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm? And worse yet, we got woken up by ghosts!" A grumpy Grim complained.

Yuu then weighed in his opinion on the sleeping matter, "I slept great!" A smile evident on his face.

"I did as well. Very comfortable indeed." You explained to Crowley.

The crow themed Headmage smiled at both of your answers, clearly relieved that there was no trouble. "I am delighted to hear that you've adjusted so well, despite being sent to another world! Now, let us discuss your assignment for today, Yuu." He motioned for the both of you to follow him out of the room.

Both of you followed him down the stairs and into the now fixed up lounge.

"Yuu. Your job today is to clean the campus. That said, the campus is vast, and without magic, it'd be quite a herculean task to clean it all. Therefore, today I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the gates to the library. Now Yuu, I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another incident like yesterday." Crowley mentioned with a warning tone underlining his serious voice.

"Understood, but I can't promise much... Since I don't have magic." Responded Yuu.

"Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria. I eagerly await the fruits of your labor. As for Y/n. Please follow me. I shall introduce you to the other teachers on campus."

"Very well. Be safe Yuu. Please tell me about your day when you return home later tonight." You told Yuu as you patted his head, giving him a supportive smile.

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