Chapter Twenty Five // Just Like Me

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Katsuma followed Shuhei to the small training camp set up for the rookies. There was a good handful of them.

"Captain!" Shuhei called, attempting to get Kenseis attention.

"Katsuma. Glad to see you made it."

Katsuma flashed a smile. She was genuinely happy to be with her squad again.

"Thanks Captain! So Shuhei told me about a rookie like me?"

Kensei laughed.

"Yeah. That kid over there by himself. See if you can help him train. I'm sure he'd appreciate it."

Katsuma nodded in agreement, making her way over to the rookie. He didn't look too much younger than she was.

"Hey there!" Katsuma grabbed his attention.

"Oh, uh, hi."

He was quiet and seemed a little shy.

"I'm Katsuma this squads 4th seat. I heard you have a secret! Check it out!"

Katsuma grabbed both her hilts and held up her two zanpakuto proudly.

"Check these bad boys out!" She continued.

The rookies eyes lit up instantly.

"Hey woah! You're just like me!"

Katsuma smiled genuinely. It made her feel so good that she was able to give someone their confidence back.

"I'm having so much trouble. I just don't understand how to fight with 2 blades. It's confusing. How do you do it?"

Katsuma held her hand out for the rookie to stand.

"Spar with me! I'll show ya!"

The rookie happily took her hand and pulled himself to his feet. He was way taller than Katsuma and it caught her off guard.

"Woah dude! You're tall for a kid!"

The rookie laughed bashfully.

"I'm not a kid. I was one of the oldest in my graduating class. I'm 22 and my name is Yuna."

Katsuma blinked a few times before responding.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Yuna! I like that name! Come on, I'll show you some easy moves for wielding your zanpakuto. If you catch on quick.. I might even show you my special move!" She flashed him a playful wink.

Kensei and Shuhei were watching from a distance.

"I'm really glad she decided to come back. This squad needs someone like her. She was always so good with the new recruits." Shuhei spoke calmly.

Kensei only nodded in agreement.

A fake hollow was deployed and Katsuma quickly flash stepped into the air. She rotated to her side and made her whole body spin. She looked like a fan made from blades. She instantly sliced through the hollows weak spot. Yuna was in awe.

Another fake hollow was deployed and Katsuma stayed on the ground this time, running towards it on foot. She did the same move but, she spun up the hollows left arm completely slicing it up. Once she was in the air she came back down slicing it's right arm.

"If you're dealing with a big hollow like this you want to make sure you can weaken it before going for the kill!" She shouted.

She stood on the hollows head and stabbed both blades into its skull.

"You have to stay calm in battle or you will never think straight."

She jumped back onto the ground, now standing beside Yuna.

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