Chapter Five // Work, Work, and more Work

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Katsuma stepped out of the shower feeling brand new. Her headache was slowly melting away and the nausea was gone. She was grateful for Grimmjow but, she was also insanely embarrassed. She doesn't have feelings for him, right? She's always hated him. Nothing will change.

The only problem now... she felt like she owed him.

Katsuma has been working at a local restaurant in town to not only make extra money but, to make it seem like she really was purely human. She was keeping a low profile in the "soul reaper world" ever since stepping down from the 4th seat position in squad 9.

It tore her in half. She loved her new Captiain, Kensei. Hell she even got use to Mashiro. There were basically 2 lieutenants. Then Shuhei...

Katsuma arrived to work. To her surprise, it wasn't busy yet. It's Monday so, it could be slow or steady.

She tied up her apron and filled the pockets with pens, straws, and a little notepad.

"Oh Katsuma!" She heard a voice call her name. It almost sounded like.. ah, yep.

"Rangiku! Welcome! I uh, thought you'd be back at the Soul Society since the holidays are over."

Rangiku laughed and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Not yet. I wish I could say I stayed to shop but, we need your help." She spoke more serious now.

Katsuma tucked a pen behind her ear and crossed her arms. "We?" She asked.

"Can we take about this somewhere more... private?" Rangiku looked around, studying the restaurants layout.

Katsuma was annoyed. She just wanted to work and get the day over with. But now she has to deal with soul reaper shit which shouldn't be her problem anymore.

There was an alley behind the restaurant. While Katsuma and Rangiku stood in silence for a brief moment the others arrived.

Shuhei and Izuru.

"So what am I needed for exactly? I thought everyone knew I wasn't doing this anymore." Shuhei began laughing.

"Once a soul reaper, always a soul reaper. It's your duty to protect the innocent. Ichigo can't do it all. Not all the time at least." Shuheis gaze never left Katsuma as she took in his words. Technically.. he was right. Damnit.

Katsuma threw her hands up in defeat. "Fine. Fill me in."

Rangiku was pleased she finally gave in. "Fantastic! I'll let Izuru take it from here." Izuru stepped forward finally speaking. "There is a hollow. Not your normal one either. This hollow disguises as a man. It's a master at concealing its presence. It lures in women."

Katsuma huffed. "Lovely."

"There's more to it." Shuhei spoke up. "Not only is it powerful but, there's women going missing at a rapid pace. There have been reports of it in this town. This problem needs to be taken care of immediately."

Katsuma ran her hand through her hair while pacing around. "I'll help you. If I absolutely have to, I'll engage in battle but, I won't promise anything."

Shuhei smiled softly. "You're not in this alone. We're all here. Just keep in touch if anything weird goes on."

The group flash stepped away.


Katsuma wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead as she was clocking out for the evening. It was 9 at night. She was exhausted.

She threw her bag over her shoulder and decided to take the long way home so she could patrol the area for any activity of the hollow. It was quiet, dark, and... cold. All she could really hear were cars in the distance and occasionally picked up conversations from nearby strangers. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Katsuma was roughly 5 minutes away from her home. She began to feel a strong presence. Almost like she was being watched. She waiting until absolutely nobody was around before attempting to confront the presence.

"Hello?" Keeping her voice low but, loud enough for anyone close by to hear.

"Helloooo?" She dragged on.

"If you keep that up people will think you're a fucking nut job."

Ah, that voice.

Katsuma immediately looked up. Grimmjow was sitting on the roof top of a house with a confident grin plastered across his face.

"So you're a stalker now?" Her voice filled with annoyance. Grimmjow began chuckling as he leaped down to get closer to her. "Just making sure you get home safe." He responded.

Katsuma scoffed. "Oh please. Give me a break."

Grimmjow stepped in front of Katsuma making her stop walking. His face appeared more serious. "I'm serious. You shouldn't be walking around in the dark by yourself."

Katsuma threw her head back laughing. "Yeah. Or what? A stalker like you gonna come get me? I'd beat their asses. No scratch that. I'd slice them up so bad pieces of their body would be scattered all over this entire town."

Grimmjow kept his serious demeanor. His eyes not leaving Katsumas. "Thats funny. All you would do..." he swiped his thumb across her bottom lip. " run that pretty mouth of yours." Katsuma grew bright red. She stepped backwards at the sudden action covering her mouth.

"Tch. Leave the patrols to me. You've got enough on your plate." Grimmjow spoke softly while tucking his hands down in his pockets. He loved how easy it was to get to her.

Katsuma angrily stomped away from Grimmjow. "You can't stop me from doing my job."

He simply took a deep sigh in response as he watched her stomp away to her home.

"Wait." Grimmjow manged to get out before he completely lost sight of her. He threw his phone into her hands.

"Your number. Let me have it."

Katsuma had to hold in her laugh at his manners. "Is that really how you ask women for their numbers? Damn I bet they fall at your feet." She responded in a very sarcastic tone while typing her number into his phone.

"You'd be surprised, sweets."

How is it possible to be so cocky and confident?

Katsuma threw the phone back at him.

"Alright, well, I'm going home. I'm tired." She grumbled.

"Oh, one more thing."

There's that shit eating grin again.

Katsuma simply stared with a brow rose waiting for him to finish.

As he was walking away he waved his phone around in the air.

"No booty calls."

Katsuma wanted to kill him.

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