Tuck: Coral invited us here

King of Puplantis: Coral?! How?

Tuck: Well, it's a long story but for short I saw her in the water when a baby mer-pup and someone... You know... Beautiful just popped out of nowhere.

Ella: Beautiful eh?

Tuck: *Blushes* Whatever sis

King of Puplantis: You both are brother and sister right?

Tuck: Well, more than that

Both: We're twins

King of Puplantis: And you look so much alike, who's the human?

Tuck: That's Ryder, the leader of the Paw Patrol

King of Puplantis: Paw Patrol?

Tuck: Yeah

King of Puplantis: I remember the mer-pups saying that you helped them with some things before

Chase: How come we've never seen you before?

King of Puplantis: Well you know me, I'm always busy with some things to do and who are you?

Chase: I'm Chase

King of Puplantis: Any other friends you would like to introduce to me?

Tuck: Yes your highness, I'm Tuck. That's my sis Ella, That's Marshall and Everest. They're both dating

Both: *Blushes* Hey!

King of Puplantis: Now now, it's fine. We usually appreciate the ones we are dating, is this your first?

Both: Yes sir

King of Puplantis: Well congrulations, anyways continue please

Tuck: Yes your highness, that's Rubble. The green one is Rocky, that's Zuma, that's Skye

King of Puplantis: You look exactly like Coral

Skye: Yeah, I know

King of Puplantis: I'll bring her in any moment but first continue

Tuck: Ok then, that's Tracker, that's Sweetie, that's Liberty and Rex. Rex is the one who's hind legs are disabled.

King of Puplantis: Dear heavens, I hope your hind legs are doing okay Rex

Rex: It is, and thank you

King of Puplantis: No problem, I'm going to go and get Coral. You guys stay here before entering. *Leaves*

Rubble: I'm so excited right now, I hope they got some good food there

Sweetie: You always want food all the time

Rubble: What can I say? I'm a great eater when it comes to partying

All: *Chuckles*

Coral: Hey guys

Tuck: Hey Coral, thanks for inviting us

Coral: Thanks for coming Tuck and your- *Gasps* I-Is that... Who I think it is...?

Tuck: What is it?

Coral: Skye! *Runs to her and hugs her*

Skye's mind: S-she still remembers me.

Skye: *Hugs back*

Tuck: Wait, you know her?

Everyone's mind except for Coral and Tuck: Bruh...

Coral: Well yeah, she's my long lost cousin

Tuck: Long lost?

Everyone's mind except for Coral: Double Bruh...

The Singing Patrol: A Paw Patrol MusicalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ