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I woke up again, in past Minji's body. I can't tell if I went back last night since I was asleep, but I wasn't asleep for long last night since I was up all night thinking about Haerin and Danielle and how I ruined their lives. I was also thinking about Hanni and how it's going to break her heart if I tell her I'm with someone else. Fuck I'm not even with Haerin I don't know what's going on. How would I even tell Hanni I'm with her even if I was. 'Oh hey Hanni sorry I can't be with you because I time travel and met this girl that I liked in the past and oh she's also dead..' like what the I can't say that.

I feel dead right now for the last couple days I've gotten like four hours of sleep total. I got up from the bed to see if maybe we switched last night and I couldn't remember, but she didn't respond to my entry or the sticky note I left in the bathroom. I feel bad, it feels like I'm living her life for her. Wait if I date Haerin does that mean she's also dating Haerin? Jesus Christ I can't think about that right now.

"Minji your going to be late!" I heard her father yell down the stairs. I look at the clock and realize school starts in thirty minutes and it's a fifteen minute walk from here. Fuck. I start scrambling to get ready moving at the speed of light. I run down the stairs and see the man calmly at the dining room table reading a book drinking coffee. Maybe I should ask for a ride....

"Hey Mr.—Dad, could you give me a ride?" He gives me a funny look probably from my almost slip up and nods.

"Sure sweetie. Let's go, maybe you won't be late." I nod running out the door waiting for him to get to the car. The ride was comfortably silent, a song that I did not know was faintly playing in the back. I wonder if Minji and her father are close. He doesn't talk to me that much unless something needs to be said. Was she close to her mother? Does she have any friends? I haven't come across any, but I guess she moved here recently right? I look at the clock in the car as soon as we pull up and there is two minutes before class starts so I say a quick goodbye and start sprinting towards my first class. Honestly I have no clue why I'm trying so hard this isn't even affecting me at all really. I just don't want to get past Minji in trouble.

"Just in time Miss. Kim." The teacher said as I ran into the door just as the bell rang. I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath as I heard snickers coming from the room. I look up and see Heesoo and Hanbi laughing at me. Of course. I walk to my seat across from Hanbi.

"Training for the Olympics?" Hanbi leans over whispering towards me. I turn around in my seat and frown at her rolling my eyes.

"I was late getting up this morning." Hanbi just laughs and points at my socks. You got to be fucking kidding me I put on two different color socks.

"Love the fashion choice, it's really cute." Hanbi again continued to laugh and I reached behind me smacking her shoulder. I don't care that this is Mrs. Pham she's getting on my nerves.

"Shut up and pay attention!" I scolded her which clearly shocked her, but then she just shrugged and smiled, turning her attention back to the class. This is going to be a long day.


Morning classes were finally done and they went by so terribly slow. I fell asleep in almost every class. All I want right now is to go to sleep and maybe sleep for twenty four hours. It's lunch and I decided I wasn't going to eat with them today because one I want to take a nap and two I haven't seen Danielle or Haerin yet today and I just can't deal with that right now.

I was walking towards the roof so I could be alone and as soon as I got up there I saw a girl laying on the floor with their arms and legs spread wide. What the fuck? As I got closer I realized that girl was Hyein.

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