
"Wassup mama, you good?" I came up to Samora after everyone else checked on her.

She still had a bandage wrapped around her head, ribs were swollen and bruised.

And of course her ankle was broken, she had it propped up on some pillows.

She was on an IV too— probably because she was dehydrated.

"Hey, can yall give us a minute?" Samora looked over at everyone.

"Yeah, we can go to the cafe. Yall want anything?" Kay spoke up.

"I'm straight," I responded.

"No appetite right now, thank you though." Samora spoke up.

They nodded and walked off.

"Wassup, how you feeling?" I questioned her as I ran a hand down her face.

"I want to say I'm sorry Kasim."

"I'm sorry for everything honestly. I was happy with you, you treated me well and I really appreciated that. I know how embarrassing it must to been for me to run behind Salem. I'm sorry."

"I don't care about none of that. How you feeling mana?" I looked at her.

She sighed, "not good... but I should he okay."

"I love you yo, I'm happy you woke up mama." I expressed to her.

"How you even love me Kas? I did you wrong so many times." She sighed deeply.

I shrugged, "I know, but after seeing everything you endured, I realized you wasn't there by choice. He's violent and you were afraid, going back made the most sense so he wouldn't kill you or hurt you even worse, feel me?"

"Basically what I'm saying is, ion blame you for going back. Ion blame you for trying your hardest to please everyone. You just wanted to keep shit simple, you're good now."

"Just promise me sum," I looked at her.

Our eyes met.

"Promise me you won't go back to him. My mom is leaving in a few days so once you leave the hospital you can come stay wimmie until you can get back on your feet."

She nodded her head, "okay, I promise. Thank you."

"And I love you too Kas." She mumbled.

"Can I kiss you?"

She nodded her head and I stood up pressing a kiss to her lips, cheeks, and her forehead.


The Following Night.

I was camped out Salem's house, I wanted to kill him.

I had too if Samora was ever gon live her life in peace.

Ion know how she'd feel about it, but honestly it didn't matter.

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