Chapter 10 - Meeting The Divine

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Talking: Hi

Thinking: is he dead

Action: *stabs him to death*

Telepathy: can you hear me?


The moon is shining brightly over the alola region. Everyone is still asleep, but red seems to have trouble sleeping.

He's squirming, rolling, and mumbling in his sleep.

Red: *mumbling*

This goes on for another 10 minutes. Each time he mumbled it got louder. Until he was so loud that he woke himself up.

Red: *yells* NO! *breathing heavily*

Red looks around frantically. He stops when sees everyone asleep. Red trys to steady his breathing. He calms himself and looks around, but more steady then before.

Red: if that was a dream, then that was the worst one I've ever had

Red noticed that snowy is up and walking toward him. He looks at the clock.

Red: 4:26 AM?

Snowy: hi Red

Red: hey snowy sorry if woke you up si early

Snowy: no you didn't, but I did hear you yelling

Red: how loud was I?

Snowy: loud enough to almost wake up my mom

Red: sorry about that

Snowy: don't worrie, but what caused you to yell so loud

Red: *sigh* I just had the worst nightmare of my existence

Snowy: that bad?

Red: there was city burning in flames, black flames, everyone was screaming, and a dark dragon was flying above laughing at the scene, I was chained and could do nothing about it but watch the chaos

Snowy: *hugs Red* sorry to hear that, I wish I could've helped you

Red: don't worrie you caring about me is enough for me


After a little while. Steenee, Popplio, togedemaru, Turtonator, and pikachu wake up and see Red and snowy chatting. They all walk over to join in on the conversation.

Pikachu: hey

Red: oh hey guys what woke you up

Popplio: the universe

Snowy: fair

Steenee: the smell of talking

Red: that doesn't even make sense

Steenee: neither does you being from another universe

Red: it's not even 6:00 AM and you're already bringing it up

Togedemaru: why don't you tell us some stories

Pikachu: are you sure you want that?

Togedemaru: why wouldn't I be?

Pikachu: he's told me and rockruff a story, and it wasn't exactly nice

Red: *chuckles* I'll try to sugar code it

Popplio: good with me, but I think we should go outside for this

Steenee: why?

Turtonator: we don't want to wake the others up

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