Start from the beginning

Grams: I'll see you tomorrow at 4:00, Mrs. Halliwell. The women keep their names in this family.

(Grams disappears. Piper looks around the room.)

The front door opens and closes as Rose and James walk into the Manor

Rose: Piper I am so sorry I'm late I was about to leave the hospital and we were hit by an accident I wanted to be here

Piper: Its okay honey everything is ready for tomorrow

Rose: That reminds me I have something for you(she takes a gift box from out of her bag and gives it to Piper)

Piper opens the box to reveal a beautiful infirmity necklace

Piper: Rose its beautiful

Rose: Its your something new and I got a blue gem put in it so its your something blue too

Piper pulls her baby sister into a hug

Piper: Thank you

Rose responds to the hug

Rose: Come on you have to get some sleep you are getting married tomorrow

Piper pulls away from her baby sister and Rose takes her hand and she pulls her up the stairs

Phoebe's room. Phoebe is asleep in bed.]

[Cut to Phoebe's dream. There's a bar. Men are playing pool. The camera pans over to another table. Phoebe's there playing pool with a couple of biker men.]

Phoebe: Uh-huh. (She sinks a ball.) The more I play, the luckier I get. (She walks around the table.) Alright. (She sinks another ball.) So that would be, uh, twenty bucks that you owe me.

Biker #1: I never agreed to no bet.

(A cute guy approaches them. His name is TJ.)

TJ: Rules of the house say loser pays twenty bucks. Maybe you want me to take you out front and teach you those rules.

Biker #1: Alright.

(He hands her the $20.)

Phoebe: Thank you. (She tucks it inside her bra.) (to TJ) So, um, I didn't, I suppose that you want something for helping me.

TJ: You could say that.

Phoebe: Well, you'll have to win it just like the rest of them. Maybe you should leave me alone. You have no idea who you're dealing with.

TJ: Maybe you should show me.

(She kisses him.)

Phoebe: Hi.

TJ: Hey, you keep saying you wanna live a life with no rules, no responsibilities. This is it. A chance. Come on.

(They walk outside and get on his motorbike. A police car pulls up.)

Inspector: Whoa, take it easy.

(Another police car pulls up.)

Phoebe: Don't do it for me, TJ.

Inspector: You don't wanna be an accessory for murder.

(The inspector gets out his handcuffs.)

Phoebe (to TJ) My name's Phoebe. Phoebe Halliwell.

(Phoebe gets off the bike.)

Inspector: Put up your hands. Come on. (The inspector handcuffs her.) Let's go.

[Cut to Phoebe's room. Prue walks in.]

Prue: Phoebe? Phoebe, wake up.

[Cut back to the bar. The inspector puts Phoebe in the car.]

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