Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 ━━ Her

So I watched "Murderous Intent" (aka "Like Minds" in the USA) and it turned out to be another masterpiece

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So I watched "Murderous Intent" (aka "Like Minds" in the USA) and it turned out to be another masterpiece. Foetus Tom nailed his character and bloody hell, he looked smoking hot (sorry, that was my inner voice😅).

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Three more chapters and we're hitting the end of the story!!


Not paying any attention to where she is headed, Ravenna watches her feet as she walks, that is how she bumps into something or someone that feels like a wall. It causes her to stumble back, almost falling backwards. But before she hits the ground, a warm hand grabs her waist and pulls her up. 

The hand quickly drops and she snaps her head up to see Dream standing there with an annoyed expression painted on his face. 

Her cheeks flush a faint pink and she clears her throat. "Sorry." 

He swiftly turns on his heels and heads for the castle, she has to slightly jog to catch up with his speed. 

"I forgive you, my love." Ravenna mocks a deep voice as they walk back towards the castle. "See, it is not hard to spell out. You should drop that ugly scowl and try it out." 

"Go home, Ravenna." Dream says with a cold expression on his face. 

"In case you noticed, I accidentally broke the ring with a tool I discovered in Mervyn's toolkit. My only way back to the waking world. Oops!" She doesn't sound sorry at all as she turns to him with a smug. "So I'm sort of stuck here forever." 

"My raven will assist you back to your home." 

"Desire misled me. This isn't fair!" 

"Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair." 

"I will not leave, Morpheus." 

"I am to marry Calliope." 

Ravenna grabs his arm to force him to halt on his spot and face her. "You do not love her anymore." 

Dream quickly yanks his arm off her touch. "For love is no part of the dreamworld. Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel." 

"Holding grudge against another is immature." She points out and he glares at her. 

"How interesting. For I remember you possess better experience on the particular skill better than I do." 

"Is that what you want? For me to beg your forgiveness on my knees? Fine." She falls to her knees and looks up at him with determination. "I will not move a muscle until you accept me back, Morpheus. Not a single muscle." 

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