Palm & Hutton

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Valerie let Ava know she had seen her passing by the building every few days, and a smile spread across her face. "So, you finally came in!" she said in an excited manner. "What brings you in today?"

Ava was a little embarrassed, every time she was passing by, she was constantly staring and daydreaming after all. However, she was also relieved that the owner had noticed her. She told the owner, "I can tell you're busy. I don't want to bother you." The owner waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, nonsense. I do most of my business online. Come in, have a seat." She walked towards her office space, and the young man remained in the waiting lounge area. He mouthed to the young woman, "You've got this," before watching Ava walk away with Valerie. Ava felt a surge of confidence, and she knew that she was ready to take the next step.

Ava sat down and confidently said, looking around the office, "It's my dream to work here. I pass by here almost every morning as you know, hoping to one day work at the desk right there," pointing behind them. "It's my dream to one day travel the world and help other people do the same." She rambled on, her enthusiasm and excitement barely contained.

Valerie giggled a little and told the young woman to slow down. "As you can see, it's pretty empty in here. I don't really need a receptionist since I do all of my business online," she said. That's why that desk is always empty.

Ava looked a little disappointed, even defeated, but then Valerie had a solution. "But I tell you you can see, I'm super busy, so I could definitely use an assistant," she said.

Ava's face lit up, and she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had taken a chance, and it had paid off. She smiled, feeling the magnetic pull of the David's enthusiasm and determination, and knew that she had made the right choice.

Valeries's eyes twinkled as Ava accepted the offer. Ava tried to hide the sense of relief that surely came with the prospect of her dream job and a higher wage. Valerie warned her that she would have to prove her worth, and that she could only offer a wage of $18 an hour. Ava tried her hardest to hide her excitement; $18 an hour was $4 more than her last job and she desperately needed the extra money to make ends meet. Valerie invited her to shadow her as her assistant for one week and if she proved herself to be an asset, the job was hers. With the prospect of financial stability on the horizon, Ava eagerly accepted the offer and promised to be back the next morning at 8:30 sharp.

Ava could hardly contain her excitement as she walked away. She felt a warmth in her chest, and the corners of her mouth tugged upwards involuntarily. She couldn't believe it - she was steps away from her dream job. Everything seemed too good to be true, but she promised herself she wouldn't let her guard down.

She felt the warmth of the sun beaming through the building on her skin as she walked away, and with each step the reality of her dream seemed to become more real. She could almost feel the power of the opportunity coursing through her veins, and she knew that if she put in the hard work and proved herself, she would be able to make this dream a reality. She was determined to show Valerie that she was an asset and not a liability.

Ava was practically running back to David with the good news. He had known from the start that she was capable of getting the position, and the pride in his eyes was unmistakable. As they walked out of the building, they chatted excitedly about the requirements of the job and the incredible benefits it would bring. Her words were bursting with enthusiasm and David could feel the wave of excitement radiating from her body. The sun seemed to be shining brighter than before and the birds were singing a happy tune. As they neared the street, they prepared to say their goodbyes.

The sun hung low in the sky, and a cool breeze blew through their hair. David took her hands in his, feeling their warmth and softness, and looked into her eyes. He could feel that magnetic pull from her and it filled him with a warmth that he had never felt before. His heart raced, and he could feel the pulse in his fingertips.

David and Ava were standing close, trying to give a friendly goodbye hug, but they accidently bumped heads. Ouch! The pain was sharp and sudden, and they both jumped back, laughing. They both rubbed the sore spots on their heads, and their eyes met. In that moment, they felt a magnetic pull that neither of them could deny. They moved closer, their noses almost touching, and they leaned into kiss. It was soft and passionate, and David buckled at the knees. He told her he'd been longing to do that since they'd met, and she smiled, her excitement was intense. David couldn't help but lean in and kiss her again. Her lips were soft and gentle, and they felt like a dream to his touch. His hands moved to her face, and he caressed her cheek. They stayed like that for a moment locking eyes, just enjoying the feeling of being together.

She invited him back to her place, but he politely declined. He lifted her chin, and said, "We'll see each other again, beauty. I have your number after all." She giggled, and they parted ways, waving goodbye. Finally, it was time for them to part ways.

Ava took a long walk home, her heart pounding in her chest. She gently touched her lips, she still felt the warmth from David's kiss on her lips, and she could almost taste his sweetness. He tasted just how he smelled. How does a grown man make Vanilla seem so sexy. She was filled with emotion, a mix of excitement and desire for more. She had only known him for two days, and yet she felt like she had known him for much longer. She lectured herself for inviting him back to her place but decided that it didn't matter. Life was short, and she couldn't deny the flame he had ignited within her in a short amount of time. She looked up at the stars, her heart filled with anticipation for the next time they would meet. She hoped it would be sooner than she thought.

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