The Not-Date

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Ava's alarm went off at 8:30, and her cat nuzzled her awake. She felt a wave of excitement and anticipation wash over her, and she quickly got out of bed. She took a shower and let her thoughts wander, wondering if this was a date and how she should dress for the occasion.

As she was getting out of the shower, she heard her phone vibrate and saw a message from David asking if she had called a cab yet. She smiled and quickly replied, apologizing for running late, and letting him know she was calling the cab now. He replied with a simple "No worries," and she rushed to get dressed, knowing the cab should be arriving in 20 minutes.

Ava didn't have enough time to do a full face of makeup, so she quickly threw her curly brown hair into a messy bun and laid her edges with an old toothbrush. She slipped into a sheath dress and thigh-high boots and added a thin pleather jacket and shoulder bag for good measure. She stepped back to take a look at herself in the mirror, wondering if this was cute enough for a non-date. She shrugged and quickly grabbed her umbrella and phone, checking to make sure the cab was still coming.

She quickly stepped out the door, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she headed off to meet David for breakfast. She waved down the same cab driver from the night before, her heart skipping a beat when she saw it was him. She said hello and quickly hopped in, letting him know what restaurant she was going to. They made small talk as the cab drove to her destination, and she felt a wave of relief when she finally arrived safely.

She was greeted by David outside the restaurant, who opened her door and paid for her cab. As he leaned inside the cab, she caught a whiff of his same fragrance from the night before - oakwood and vanilla - and she smiled, finding it pleasant. He grabbed her hand gently and helped her out of the cab, then they walked into the diner together.

David spoke to the greeter, requesting a booth for two. The greeter nodded and grabbed the menus, handing them to a waitress who then directed them to their table. Ava slid into the booth and David slid in the seat across from her, both smiling and laughing at each other.

She took a moment to take in her surroundings, noticing the soft hum of the restaurant, the smell of coffee and bacon and the feel of the soft leather of the booth against her skin. She smiled, feeling a sense of contentment and comfort as she realized that, despite the uncertainty of the future, she was right where she needed to be. Ava asked David about himself, curious to know how he ended up in that area to help her the night before.

He smiled and told her he was 27, and that he worked for a local construction company. He said he traveled a lot for work, but he enjoyed being able to explore new places. His response sparked a fire in Ava, and she told him how she loved to travel, and how she hoped to work at a travel agency one day or become a travel influencer.

In disbelief of their similarities, they both bonded over their love for travel, their conversation becoming more and more animated as they talked about their shared passion. Again, Ava felt a sense of connection and excitement, and couldn't help but smile as she realized this was the start of something special.

The waitress came over to take their order and returned within 25 minutes with their hot food. As they waited, they continued talking, never having an awkward pause in their conversation. They connected so well, and Ava felt her heart swell with joy as she realized how easily they had fallen into a comfortable rhythm. They enjoyed their breakfast, talking and laughing the whole time, and even after their food was gone, they were still talking. She felt a sense of contentment and happiness, and couldn't help but smile as once more she thought of all the possibilities that lie ahead.

David re-iterated that he was glad he had met the Ava, then admitted that this might sound crazy, but he felt something magnetic between them. Ava felt a wave of relief, as she hadn't been sure if his intentions were platonic or not but was glad, he had opened up to her. She agreed with him, admitting that she felt it too, and David smiled and took her hand in his. They looked into each other's eyes and shared a moment, feeling a, instant sense of magnetic connection and understanding that went beyond words.

David then asked with a chuckle if Ava wanted to get out of there. His laugh was a deep, throaty sound that filled the restaurant and made the Ava's heart skip a beat. His smile was warm and inviting, and she felt a sudden rush of butterflies in her stomach as she nervously asked, "Where do you want to go?" His hand brushed lightly against hers as he replied, "Just a couple blocks away, I want to show you something." The softness of his skin against the back of her hand sent a gentle shiver through her body, and she felt a sudden urge to go wherever he wanted to take her. She quickly gathered her things and followed him out of the restaurant, her senses alive with anticipation and excitement. She could feel the energy radiating off of him, and the sound of his laughter still ringing in her ears as they stepped out into the daylight.

David and Ava walked a block and a half, talking and laughing, when suddenly he stopped. "We're here," he said, gesturing to the building ahead of them. She felt a wave of relief wash over her; she felt safe with him and trusted him to take her somewhere safe. He told her that since they were talking about their dreams and passions, he wanted to show her this space he was hoping to purchase and start his own construction business.

She smiled at his enthusiasm and told him of her own dream; she had been passing Palms & Hutton travel agency almost daily, hoping to work there one day. The young man's face lit up, and he said, "Let's check them out. Let's go over there now." Ava's heart jumped into her throat; she had never been inside the building, and had never been confident enough to walk in. But David's hand was gentle as he pulled her arm, nudging her to take a leap and check out the place. He was right there with her, every step of the way; she felt his determination and excitement ripple through her, and it inspired her to take a chance. David inspired her to take chances, risks and to be confident in her choices all in a short period of time. Ava paused before entering the travel agency, her heart filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. She thought back to the day before when the rain-soaked on her skin, when David first met her, and how he had inspired her to take a chance.

She thought of the magnetic pull she'd felt towards him, and the courage he had instilled in her without batting an eye. She was reminded of how rain had always represented a new era to her, and she felt like yesterday's rain had been the start of something new.

She took a deep breath, and stepped inside, feeling an energy that was both familiar and strange. She felt a surge of empowerment as she looked around the place, she had dreamed of working and knew that taking this chance was the right thing to do.

Ava and David were greeted by the owner of the agency, who was nice but seemed very busy, so she wasn't very personable. She apologized for her lack of conversation, and asked what had brought them in today, introducing herself as Valerie Hutton.

David gave Ava a gentle nudge and whispered, "Be confident." Ava started to get nervous, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to find the words to explain why she was there. Just as she was about to part her lips, Valerie said, "Wait, I know you!" Her face lit up with recognition, and Ava felt a rush of anxiety wash over her. She shyly smiled, feeling uneasiness about finally able to explain why they had come and wondering where the lady knew her from.

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