Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Meeting of Leaders.

Start from the beginning

"I know she is an angel. She takes care of everyone no matter what, and hates to kill people." I admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head. "She is the kindest person I know, the tragedy in her past haunting her like a shadow. When we were growing up, she would comfort me when her parents would abuse the shit out of her. She would wipe away her own tears and take care of mine. She even buried her parents like they had honor left even though they hurt her the most. Then when she had to kill her grandmother, she still hung out with me. She always says that she doesn't deserve us, but we don't deserve her. We never will. I just wish I could have been there for her, but I was a coward." Gabrielle shook his head, his hair dancing with each movement.

"People like her hide everything so the more fortunate can be happier. It is wrong that we all just move past it. The mask they wear is so thick that the best of us can't see it." He explained calmly, the serenity on his face settling my nerves. "You can though. The trick to catch them when the pressure causes the jar to explode. People like her don't break that often, but when they do it causes a fracture. Now that she has a reaper's eye, her life will only be harder. Before you put that eye patch on her eye, she was seeing the age of death over everyone's head and hearing the tortured screams of Hell itself. I could hear them too, and it was Hell. No one needs to hear them. Promise me you'll take care of her for me." My lips parted to speak, his boots clicking into the bedroom. Peony glanced up, her body smashing into his arms. Swinging her around, the love between the two of them proved to be rather apparent. Evie rested on her haunches, her tired smile never leaving her pale face. Resting her hands on her bump, silent tears slid down her cheeks. Gabrielle was right, she would never be completely healed. The cracks would remain, her exhausted gaze falling on me. Curling into a ball, gentle snores told me that she went back to sleep once more. Sitting down next to her, white feathers only remained where Gabrielle once was. A golden note drifted into my palm, the meeting was tonight at the diner. Watching over her, Grappy knocked on the door. Black bags hollowed out his eyes, his hair styled perfectly.

"I heard her calling for help, and came to her rescue. I am sorry for that curse getting worse." He apologized sincerely, plopping down next to me. "Her plan is the best plan. She wants to round up all of the cursed weapons users and hide them under her wing. All of them are scattered. I can't forget what she saw. She saw reapers tearing a body apart. Those are scary fuckers, and you can't not see them. Humans believe death to be warm, but it is too cold now. Although you have to give her props for standing up to Death itself. Hell, she managed to make a deal with him." Dusting off his black dress shirt and dress pants, he leapt to his feet. Playing with his ring, pride swelled in his eyes. Walking over to the door, he paused for a moment.

"I will be ready to escort you at five. We can't have you two wandering the streets without protection." He informed me happily, his smile never leaving his face. "I am going to get in one last session with my husband before I go. And yes I said husband." Chuckling warmly to myself, he was so adorable. Waiting patiently for Evie to wake up, James passed me some work to do in the meantime. Checking my watch, Evie's eyes fluttered open. Reaching for me, her hands cupped mine. Clutching her close to my chest, her scent sent my wolf into a frenzy. Snuggling into my chest, Grappy popped in with a scarlet silk cocktail dress. Her eyes narrowed, her eye patch protecting her from her reaper's eyes. Snatching it from him, the heel of her boot knocked him into the hall. Peeling off her clothes, a tender blush rose to my cheeks. Her black lace bra emphasized her much larger breasts, my hands wrapping around her waist. Brushing my lips against the nape of her neck, my fangs broke her skin.  Goosebumps popped up, the sensation of me marking her as mine caused my chest to swell with pride. Of course she was mine, her body melting into her arms. A satisfied sigh escaped my lips the moment I stopped biting her, her finger wiping the blood off the corner of my lips.

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