Numero uno

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The air felt heavy on my lungs, it was freezing and it wasn't being helped by the fact that we barely wear clothes that cover our bodies. We've been flying for at least three days at this point. My Mother Neytiri kept saying to Tuk that it would all be fine and that we'd be there soon, but me and my brothers knew better. We would see creatures fly past and perch on edges of cliffs feeding they're children. We all wanted to go home, but we knew that we couldn't.

"Does my skin look dim?" I asked my eldest brother Neteyam. "Your skin looks fine y/n, now hold on tighter or you'll fall." Neteyam said grabbing my arm and placing it on the handle. "Just rest y/n"
We flew for a couple minutes in silence I half expected to hear someone snoring.
Kiri my sister had her own Ikran and was flying beside Mother and Tuk.

"This is boring, WHEN ARE WE GONNA LAND?!" I heard Tuk scream from where mother was.
"Soon Tuk soon." I heard mother shush Tuk. "Y'know that is a very good question when are we gonna land?" "Wanna ask father?" Neteyam asked "Yeah."

Neteyam leaned to the right and began getting closer to our father Jake sully. Eventually we were right beside him. "Hey Father, when are we gonna land?" I asked "Well.. we're.. landing now." He said pointing to a big island surrounded by fizzy looking water. People of blue splashing out of the water as we began our descent.

We could hear the sounds of sirens and drums banging as we came to a stop on they're dock. My second oldest brother Lo'ak climbed off of fathers Ikran and walked over to us.
"Finally jeez." He said helping me down from Neteyams Ikran. Kiri walked over to us a stood beside Neteyam. Teal blue people jumped out of the water they all had lighter tones of blues, tattoos along they're faces chest and arms, big forearms, fin like scales along the back of they're legs and tails that looked like paddles. "What's with those arms?" People questioned. A boy caught my eye. He walked out from the crowed, he had a braided bun. He also looked my way. He whispered to his friends that's were behind him.

A girl plunged out of the water catching our family's eye's especially lo'aks. She had braids along the top of her head all the way down untangling themselves. "Lo'ak your staring dude!" Neteyam hit lo'ak behind me. "OW!"

"Y/n." Tuk wondered over to us. I picked her up leaning her on my shoulder. A man that must've been they're  Olo'eyktan and his mate the Tsahìk walked out. "Me and my family seek shelter from a war from the sky people." The people were murmuring from behind once father spoke about the sky people. "So you try bring your war here?" They're chief exclaimed. "No no never I am just trying to keep my family safe.." "..we will learn your ways!"

While father and the chief talked his mate had parted from his side and walked over to us. "Look at these tails!" She proclaimed grabbing neteyams tail making him yelp.
"They cannot swim with these thin tails.." she walked over to me and Tuk grabbing Tuk by the arm "and look at these thin arms!" Tuk hissed pulling her arm back. "They aren't even real Na'vi!" She pulled Lo'aks arm up showing the crowed of gasping Na'vi his hand with five fingers. "They have demon blood!"

"Hey Hey! Look I have five fingers too! I was raised by the sky people but learnt the ways of The Na'vi of the Ometicaya clan, and we can learn your ways!"
"..My husband was Toruk Makto a far braver warrior." Mother stood next to father.
"Please mind her.." Father responded
"Jake." Mother sounded irritated, she did not like being dismissed

"She is very tired from the flight." Father said pulling her in.

They're chief looked over at his mate and turned back. "Treat these people like your brothers and sisters. They will be like newborn babies taking their first breaths, Teach them our ways!" They're chief shouted
I heard Neteyam and Lo'ak sighing in relief.
"My daughter Tsireya and my son Ao'nung will teach your children."
"What?!" I heard the boy from earlier
"It's been decided!"
"My daughter will show your family the village." The girl Lo'ak was looking at earlier came around and gestures for us to follow her. I put Tuk down and we all followed.

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