Chapter 16

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" you guys did you watch the news last night" 


" It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time, though I bet no one noticed me hanging out in the background" 

" Probably not" 

" It is difficult to stand out since you're just gloves" 

" Those news channels love us we're basically celebrities" 

"yeah it's kinda crazy right" 

" get over yourselves, the  hero course that pumps out pros was attacked, that's what they care about" 

That's how much I can stand before drowning out every noise in the room There are too many conversations happening at once I can barely listen to one before getting rudely interrupted. UGH my head. I hear loud obnoxious footsteps ahead of me


There was only one contradiction to his statement and one student pointed it out "uh.. we're all sitting" another student spoke up "Yeah you're the only one standing". Ashido leaned back in her chair "so Tsu how do you think is going to teach class today" she replied " I don't know apparently Aizawa is still in the hospital recovering"  As the door opened.  A lazy bandaged man came through the door "morning class" everyone was shocked "Mr. Aizawa what are you doing here!!" Kaminari voiced his opinion "wow what a pro" Iida rose his hand "Mr. Aizawa I'm glad that you're doing okay" Ochoko committed "you call that okay" as the man in question was limping to his desk covered in bandages I'll let you take a guess "my well being is irrelevant" It actually kind of is because you're our teacher y'know "what important is that your fight isn't over yet" wow what tension there is. 

"The UA sports festival is about to start"... what a waste of build up. 

"WOW WHY WOULD YOU SCARE US LIKE THAT" the class yelled getting excited then started questioning the safety of the event and I have to agree with that. Aizawa explains that the school thinks that it is a way to show that the threat has been handled and that the school is safer than ever. And then carries on to the important role it plays and that heroes will be scouting us. Plus we only have three years to show off our skills. Nothing that I need to worry about as I already have a place to go and I am not planning on leaving anytime soon.  

 The bell to lunch rings as Cementoss walks out of the class room and the whole class is talking about the festival. I could care less about it but I know I should care. I get up and walk to Momo's desk "hey do you wanna study and prepare for it together" she looks up at me and smiles " I would love to, at mine or your house if not the library" I shrug my shoulders "it's up too you but I would suggest not doing it in my apartment" putting her hands together "okay then my house it is" nodding my head I walk away I head my way to Ashido whose making those weird type of eyes "sooo Momo huh" her eyebrows raising "yeah so what about it" she sighs and slaps me in the back of my head "what do you mean  'what about it'" now grabbing my collar you obviously  did something you idiot" waving my hands in front of her " I'll tell you all at the lunch table so I won't have to repeat myself" she finally lets go "fine but you better" and then she walks off. Man she must really want to hear what I have to say. 

 At the table Ashido speaks up "so what is going on between you and Momo" wow that's straight forward all the others turned there head towards me "what does she mean Dazai" I sighed " it means we are going to study together for the festival at her house" there eyes widened they all shouted in unison "what" now rambling and mumbling something about ships and other stuff like that Kaminari put his arm around me "man dude going out the Momo must be a treat in heaven, you gotta make your move" knitting my eyebrows in confusion "what move" all the color drained from his face "so your telling me that you have no interest in Momo like at all" I nodded my head " I mean she's nice and all but I'm not really looking for a relationship at the moment" Kaminari nodded "yeah dude I get you but maybe in the future you will change your mind" I don't think he really gets it but i'll let him pretend "yeah maybe" I gave a soft smile for effect.  

word count: 808 

A/N: My apologies for the long update again and for the shorter chapter. I was losing motivation because of school, plus I play a sport and we are in season til August... y a y. My chapters will be less frequent and shorter during this time. I like my chapters to be around 900-2000 words but it's just not going to happen for now but I'll leave a word count for you guys and you will most likely see my motivation go up or down from that lol. I also gave up on spelling names correctly so don't judge. Bye for now :) .  

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