Chapter 14

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After the meeting finished up Principal Nezu was left questioning about Dazai and how he kind of predicted the motivation and the movement of the villains. Reading over the email over and over again hoping for a different result; the actual definition of insanity. Instead of answers he found more questions even the smartest being on the planet couldn't comprehend every solution he made didn't seem right or had too many holes. How can we know so much but still very little about someone or something? Nezu never understood that question until now and all thanks to Dazai Osamu. Looking through his files everything is filled out with no blanks but when you actually read them questions start arising and when that happens everything is cryptic, it has everything but nothing at all. He seems everywhere but nowhere at the same time. 

Dazai knew this was going to happen he knew that after the email to Nezu seems suspicious and knowing that he was right was even scarier. He knew his files were cryptic filled with true-false  information but had no background. Of course he used to live here when he was young but he didn't live here now.with his past erased he is dead but alive at the same time. All these inconsistencies, blanks and the email all are exceptional reasons to be suspicious of me and honestly I overestimated them if they aren't. Little do they know I only show them information that I want to show so let the games begin

School was closed so I didn't have much to do only look over stupid reports that were sent to me. A thought rushed to me and thought about her and how she now lies here permanently without a care or thought in the world maybe I should visit her I think she would like that. I would just have to buy some stuff because it would be rude of me to invite myself in her presence without offering anything to her. Walking out of my apartment with that thought in mind and heading to a small local flower shop and picking out some nice white roses to give to her hoping she finds them as lovely as I do.  As my offering is accomplished I tread over to where she lay I always forget how steep the hill is but at least there's a cherry blossom tree that she can admire all day. I finally made it to where she now stays hoping that she can accept me like she did all those years ago also wondering if she will even want to talk to me. Giving her the flowers I cannot tell if she likes them or not and the only thing that I'm courageous to say is,

"Hello Mom"

Without a response I sit down my back against the tree and close my eyes. Wondering if I would ever see her again or if she still loves me after all the things I've done. Water comes down my face as I wipe it off I realize that it doesn't stop, I'm crying? But only humans cry? Am I human? I must admit that last question was dumb of me to think of, I'm not human. I am a monster. There is no point in living if you're like me. Empty. A void is in my heart and nothing can fulfill that, but every time I want to die something stops me. As the last tear runs down my face I open my eyes and start walking back to the apartment. 

Little did I know that someone was watching me throughout my whole interaction with her. 

Hizashi Yamada is a compassionate man but when he was at the USJ and saw his best friend almost laying on his death bed he thought of his other best friend Oboro and how he pasted when they were just in high school. He usually visited with Aizawa but today was a special case as he wanted to tell his friend what had happened at the USJ and Aizawa. Leaving the graveyard he saw someone he didn't expect to see, Dazai Osamu treading up a hill with white roses in his hand there was only one stone on that hill which was also home to a beautiful cherry blossom, as he set the flowers down his lips moved he was too far away so Hizashi couldn't make out what he was saying but you could tell he was looking for a reponse that he never got. He cried you could see the sun reflecting off of the tears on his face, but when he opened his eyes they looked empty like he had lost all hope in living. The best way to describe it was the eyes of a porcelain doll; lifeless. 

Hizashi was in a state of shock about what he saw as he never saw anyone's eyes look so dull. Knowing he had to keep quite of this he decided to only tell Aizawa the next time that they are alone together he knows better then to tell Nezu as he would dig into his life or in the person he visited and everyone should have at least some privacy because if they don't they wont trust you. 

A?N: Hey guys so it's been awhile it's just that I've been super busy with my sport and this is my only week off after playing a whole year. My school is also about to start and I love reading but  I hate summer reading and being forced to read(I'm cramming it rn and school starts in less then 10 days) . I have also been wanting to change up my writing style a bit as I'm indecisive on what I want to do, so is this writing good or bad idk. Also sorry that it's so short.   :)   

 Question: Was this sad enough or should I make it sadder??? haha(Que evil laugh) 

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