chapter 9

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Dazai's POV 

 He trusted me and thinks I'm a good person that's a first. Too bad I'm going to make him regret his decision on letting me stay in the future but at least I got one person's trust so far and extra points because it's a teacher. We had a free day for the rest of the day afterwords so it wasn't very exciting nor fun, but it made me wonder if I can even relate to people my age because the more they talk the more I don't understand. How long have I been disconnected from this world of teenage years and this whole concept in general  and how to be friends with people that I don't even know how to communicate with. Thankfully a pink skinned girl came up to me with a fake red head following her, "Hi I'm Mina Ashido and my quirk is Acid" she then looked to her right motioning for the fake red to speak " Eijiro Kirishima and my quirk is Hardening" when he said the last part he looked kind of defeated like he wasn't proud of his quirk,"Dazai Osamu my quirk is Nullification" after I finished Mina seemed to look really curious "Um how does it work if you don't mind me asking" I replied with the truth "I can erase anyone's quirk as long as I am touching them" After my explanation they looked unsettled and excited at the same time if that's even possible, " That's so cool but I hope I wouldn't have to fight against you" Ashido exclaimed in with her naturally bubbly tone.  I wish I could be naturally happy but that died a long time ago. 

 By the end of the day I became acquainted with almost everyone and made a good impression with everyone. I went back to my apartment and decided to talk to Odasaku. 

 Me: Heyyyy Odasaku

Odasaku: Hey Dazai, how have you been 

Me: Been alright, you?

Odasaku: I've been fine but glad you're alright there and hope they are treating you well. 

Me: Yes they have been and I already got my teachers trust so everything is going according to plan 

Odasaku: Oh which teacher

Me: My homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa   AKA: Eraserhead 

Odasaku: That's good Dazai I'm proud of you 

Me: Thank you Odasaku I'm proud of myself too, Also miss you 

Odasaku: Miss you too Dazai the mafia isn't the same with out you 

Me: Thank you for the complement Odasaku, Bye

Odasaku: Bye Dazai 

Odasaku POV 

 As I shut down my computer for the night I can't help but worry for Dazai knowing that I can't be there for him, and betting that he is already resorting to his excessive drinking habit to cope. I can't help but to see Dazai like my own kid and it hurts me to see him go through this line of work knowing that something has happened to him already. A kid shouldn't be held to all this stress he is a kid after all not a machine or a weapon.  

Dazai POV 

 I typed up a report for Mori telling him about my reputation with other people so far and said that I already have a teacher's trust.  He told me to do better and get stronger but not to strong to out shine all my classmates but just enough to get by,and reminded me that my job was only for information about whats going on not to make friends. As friends will only weigh me down in the end.   

 After I finished looking over everything and coming up with plans to build up my reputation. I do the usual which is drowning my sorrows in alcohol it may sound sad but it helps. The bad thing is that if anyone sees this I'll be dead literally because if any of the hero students see it they will report to the teachers and my cover will most likely get blown; Odasaku would be disappointed with me but would try and help me out of it but I don't want him disappointed in me. Mori wouldn't care so I guess he's cool but I don't really care about his opinion I just care about Odasaku's opinion.   

 As I wake up and prepare myself for another day I find myself not wanting to get up but knowing that I have to gives myself just enough will power too. I skip breakfast like normal and head to UA and head straight to class to sit at my desk  as I hear other students enter, and then classes begain the bad thing about them is that they are totally boring. Lunch begins which might be the only good thing so far today because the food was amazing. While eating my lunch Ashido and Kirishima walked up to me and asked if they could sit with me I obviously nod my head and invited them to sit. They strike up conversations left and right and have a good laugh until Ashido pointed out something about my behavior "Hey Dazai I noticed that you speak very little words is there a reason or are you just shy but then come out of your shell with people you trust" I was shocked to say the least because I thought that I was doing good in conversation but I guess not "Oh um, I'm just not that social and I really don't know how to respond to some stuff as well as others but I can be talkative when I get to know people more" her eyes lit up as soon as I was done "Oh cool then your just like Kiri here he can be shy sometimes especially around people he doesn't know but I see that he is trying to get out of his shell more, but sorry if I assumed things" I pat her should and shake my head "No it's okay and besides it's just human nature to assume" Trying to comforter her. 

Lunch ends and we head to class getting ready for the hero class. I was spacing out until I heard the door slam open with someone screaming "I AM HERE" the whole class was in awe muttering about All Might and some of the knowledge they have on him is very concerning like how did they know it was his Silver Age costume. He said that we are doing combat training and that the first thing into becoming a hero is looking good which is  false but whatever. After everyone grabbed their costume and headed to the changing rooms, and went outside I of course was the last one out there. Let me tell you some of the ladies outfits were just amazing everyone looked at my costume with some off looks but other than that it was fine. I walked up to Kirishima and Ashido who were right next to each other casually talking to one another "Um hey I got a question for both of you" they turned to me and this time the red head responded "Yeah man whats up" "Just how long have ya'll known each other for because it looks like ya'll are really close" Ashido smiled and answered "We went to the same Middle School together but we didn't really start talking until this year" that makes sense "Oh okay thank you" "No problem and by the way your outfit looks so cool" Kirishima nodded and agreed "yeah looks supper manly". I nod my head and put my hand behind my neck "Oh why thank you, ya'll look cool too". 

 The exercise was about to begin and got paired into groups I got team A which is with Uraraka. Her suit is a little tight and has pink cheeks. After every one found their partner All Might drew who will be up against who, and our lucky pick was Team D; Katsuki Bakugo and Tenya Iida. Plus we are extra lucky to be the first ones to go. 

A/N: Hey it's me again since school is out I have a little more free time but not a lot I'm also trying to re-watch my hero academia so I can get the events and details more accurate. Sorry in advance for any spelling mistake with the names and if I mess up and mix up anyone's last and first name please tell me nicely because I do a lot of research to make sure there right but you know how google is. 

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