Chapter 2

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Izuku POV  ( 11) 

   I was walking home from school like any other day I found a good book a couple days ago called 'fascinating ways to Commit suicide' but besides that nothing has been interesting it's jut boring.  I would hangout with a friend but the sad truth is that I got no friends at school,because everyone just ignores me I always wonder why tho. Today feels different but I don't know what it is, because everything has been the same as always. 

 As I get home I notice that the door was unlocked, so that means that Moms home which can be good or bad. I walk in the kitchen and notice that I stepped in something wet I looked down to see what is was and that's when I noticed it. 

   Inko POV 

   I took the day off today so I can prepare Izuku's surprise. Which is getting to spend the day with him, and to make up all the time I missed being there because of work. I can tell also tell that he doesn't have a lot of friends at his school because of his odd behavior, but I really can't say anything to him because I haven't been there for him when he needed me the most. I even have the whole day planned out, so first I will surprise him with his favorite food then go to the book store to get his own copy of his favorite book, and then last but not least apologize to him for not being the best mother. 

     I'm getting the katsudon ready for him so when he gets home it's already to go. I hear a knock on the door I guess he's home early I know Izuku does this quite often because he always claims that schools ' too easy' for him it's not like I can get mad at him for it he's just smart. I go to answer the door I hear footsteps behind me, and I haven't even left the kitchen before I felt the knife to me neck, "wow haven't seen you in awhile Inko" as the man behind me talked I instantly recognized who he is. 

Izuku POV

  A dropped knife on the floor with some blood on it. I looked around he house to find my Mom, but found nothing. As I look out the back I saw some strands of green hair and a little bit of blood. I cautiously walked outside, but little did I know it was going to be the worst mistake of my life. 

  Inko POV 

    It was Mori we used to work together until I ran from the Mafia. He whispered in my ear " You know what happens to traitors like you", as the knife started to tightened on my neck drawing some blood. I used my best effort to escape, but it was no use against him so I quickly gave up trying.  I felt the knife relax against my neck I then swiftly make him drop it, as I hear it colliding with the ground I reason with him, " I will go through the process willingly, but if you pick up that knife I'm not afraid to fight you head on Mori" I hear him chuckling to himself while having a sly smirk on his face. He soon responded " Okay then my lady anything you request goes as plan" he did a little bow " don't you dare call me that ever again" I hate when he calls me that now. 

  As he leads me to the backyard with my hands tightly behind my back never letting his guard down, but I can't blame him because I would do the same thing in his position. He brings my too the nearest concrete curb, and his hands started to let go of my wrist as that happens I felt a gun to my head, " You know what to now Inko" I nod my head and put my mouth on the curb. 

                                             GORE WARRING 

I feel his foot on my head I close my eyes to brace myself on to whats to come. Then his foot violently smashed my head into the curb. The crack of my jaw shattering into pieces tears pouring down my face, as my best efforts to not scream I can't give him the satisfaction of giving me this pain. I try to clench my jaw hoping it would work, but the pain that caused was too much I can't even use it anymore. He ruffly turned me around seeing the pain, tears, and the blood slowly coming out of my mouth that bastard still had his sinister look on his face. He pointed his gun at me. Then.... 

             BAM          BAM                 BAM  

   The sound of gun shots and my vision blacking I wondered is this what it feels to die. To have all the pain of my past be lifted. But my last wish before I leave the earth 

        ' I hope you have a good life, and find someone to live for besides me'  

Mori's POV 

 I see Inko's body on the ground blood now flooding out of her mouth and chest. I put up my gun and say,

                    " have a good after life my love

                            GORE WARRING OVER 

Izuku's POV 

        I see Mom on the ground covered in her own blood. Suddenly I couldn't move my body fell to the ground, my mouth gaped as I screamed in terror one of the neighbors heard me, and called the police because the next thing I knew they were their. 

       A few minutes later they came to me saying that they deduced it as a Mafia hit, but still trying to find out why they would hit my Mom. The thing that I can come up with is that she was somehow involved in the mafia, but I can't see that or I just don't wanna think about her being apart of the mafia. They are examining how she died and what type of mafia death is it then they will give me a more clearer answer to me. 

  They couldn't find the person or even the motive behind the mafia hit, but they are telling me they wont stop looking which I know is a lie they are hoping that I desperately cling to. They are wrong about that I decided to leave the next morning, but when I leave I can't shake the felling that someone is watching me but I don't know for sure. What I do know is that I will never forget that day..

                     October 26

   A/N: Sorry for the late update I planned it to be out on October 26, but School, sports, and mental health got in the way, and I wanted this chapter to be good for ya'll. Bye see you in the next chapter. 

Is there a reason for living?   ( BSD X BNHA)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora