Chapter 12

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Nedzu POV 

 I'm preparing for the meeting not expecting anyone to come in this early as I know that they normally check in just before work so they can get by with some extra sleep. What surprised is the door opening and everyone arriving on time and even before it's about to start "Wow that's a surprise ya'll are actually here on time and even early" they all look offended "Well then lets start early since we might need it" they all nodded and sat down with the accept Aizawa he fell down but ,does that not hurt?  He seems completely unfazed that he just fell on the ground. I stand on the table with papers in my hand and start passing them out I see them reading the paper and some start sweating at the direct and also intelligence of the email. The silence was loud until someone spoke up "W-Who wrote this do you know" I nodded to Nemuri and everyone's breath hitched and the tension rose to unbelievable heights. I start to chuckle "I'm really interested in this kid but you can guess who it is" my laugh grew louder as I saw there faces. 

Aizawa's POV 

 I sit there reading the thing he gave to us which was apperently an Email a student gave to him after the break in.  

   Dear principal Nedzu,

I hope this email finds you well. I've been thinking more about the break in of the press and how they might have gotten in but the more I think about it the less it makes sense I then came to the conclusion of villains. The more I thought about it the more sense it made up but then I started to wonder why the broke in my only guess would be for information about something, and if they are villains then it would most likely be about the hero course as that would be there main concern . I don't think it would be just one it would be a group of people working together as I know for a fact that you couldn't pull it off if you're one person. This group would be smart and have some one who's good with planning as they used the press as a distraction for the teachers so the inside would be clear of hero's and the students would be panicking too much to notice them. This is only a theory but I wanted to let you know what I thought even though you probably already thought of this.

 Nedzu's laugh grew louder as I continued to reread this over and over again trying to figure out who could've wrote this and narrowed it down to one person "Dazai" his lauging stops "Correct it is Dazai Osamu who wrote me this email and I did think of villains but I didn't think that much into it". I look down at the paper again and start thinking who really are you Dazai. Nedzu somehow brought out a screen showing the information that he gave us before applying while looking at the information I looked at his family 'Deceased' my heart drops he has no family to turn to no one to go to but then I think of Ashido and Kirishima at least he has them. We take the time to digest the info given to us then Nedzu starts to go one again "I feel like he's hiding something like not telling us the full story." my heart drops to my stomach a kid that I trusted is hiding something and I think it's big but what could it be. I start to speak up about an event that's about to happen "How about the USJ All Might is attending that might be what the villains are going after it would make the most logical sense" he nodded "true but also what if the villains then know that we are onto them which could possibly make the situation worse" I sighed and gave up on trying to convince him to cancel it. Nemuri finally asked the question that we were all thinking about "how do we find out what he might be hiding" the principal smiled and answered "We don't all we do is wait for the time he slips up" all of us sweat dropped "HUH" he laughed it off "well he seems too good to slip up easily and might have hid his true records from everyone I hate to admit it but he might be as good as me so we have to wait for the right time", smarter then Nedzu but how is that possible this might be really bad if he is hiding something villainous. I shook my head to not think about him being a villain he can't be not one of my students. 

Dazai's POV 

 I wake up on the floor again wondering how I got there but brush it off soon then I start sneezing like crazy. Have I caught a cold? But how I made sure to be safe. Is it the alcohol but it never gave me this effect maybe I should cut back? Nah I'm good I like my drinks. So what could it be? 

 Walking into the classroom early as all the sneezing wouldn't stop so I couldn't pass out on my actual bed a slump down in my chair with crocodile tears streaming down my face. As time passed other people started walking in looking at me strangely until Kaminari walked up to me "Not to be rude man but you look like shit" I looked at him and giggled "Oh why thank you" he gasped "OMG you know it finally you are my new best meme friend" he grabbed my shoulder I just went a long with it with only one question in mind,  What's a meme? 

Kirishima and Mina walked in together like always and noticed me and Kaminari talking to each other "Hey man looks like you made new friends without us having to be there with you I'm proud of how manly you are becoming" Ashido clapped her hands at his statement "Yeah maybe talking Momo really helped" Kaminari looked jealous "Well your're lucky" then he faked pouted. The bell rang and we all sat down waiting for Aizawa to come he was a minute late but I don't think anyone noticed if they did they didn't show it I'm wondering if they had a meeting about my email that I sent. That's probably the reason because Aizawa has a set time for when he enters the classroom never early and never a minute late.  He stood in front of the classroom and explained that we are going to do rescue training with Pro Hero 13. We also had to ride a bus to get there and Iida composed his idea of forming in two lines according to our class number but sadly no one was listening to him I saw Yaoyorozu and walked up to her "I guess he's taking the role of class officer pretty seriously  huh" she chuckled and nodded her head and answered "I mean yeah that's why we choose him right Dazai" I put on a fake smile and agreed but her face faltered after "Um what's wrong Yaoyorozu" she sighed "why do you fake smile and purposely do bad in some situations just to make people laugh and look at you differently from who you truly are" I stopped as I felt something snap someone found out, she knew, but how my acting was flawless.  She must have noticed my falter and responded to her own question "Never mind what I just said lets head to the bus shall we"  and she kept on walking as if it never happened. 

While driving to rescue training people were talking while Iida was sulking about how the bus format ruined his boarding strategy Asui brought out an open discussion "If your pointing out the obvious then there's something that I wanna say, about you Dazai" that startled me a little "Isn't your power a lot like Aizawa's" I turn to her "Wow really you think so I never really thought about it like that I mean-" Kirishima thankfully cut me off "Wait hold on Tsu your're forgetting that Aizawa has range and a limit that makes a huge difference" I sighed in relief who knew that stupidity could get you out of a lot of situations.  They started to go on about their own quirk with Kirishima explaining how his power isn't flashy or strong enough to be hero material I'll make sure to talk about that later and then Aoyama started talking about his navel laser saying that it's the best combination of strength and flashy Mina exploited his weakness of a tummy ache which was hilarious when he started to deflate. I ended up spacing out til we got to the facility.  

As we all entered the Pro Hero 13 started explaining how quirks can be deadly if in the wrong hands. I mean she isn't wrong because I can probably kill every person one on one because if just touch them they lose there quirk and it seems that there quirk makes up everything in there life and are clueless with out it. I started to feel a presence entering the USJ then the lights started flickering. I found the source behind 13 a purple black portal and Kirishima pointed out "Wait the training is already starting" we all started to look then Aizawa yelled "Stay back" 

  "This is real those are really villains"

A/N: Hey guys sorry it took a long time It's just I play a sport and my team travels a lot out of state and if not then for enough that we can't go home back and fourth. I also don't write this on my phone so I physically can't write when I'm away. Thanks for being patient though :)  

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