Chapter 12; Upande

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               As you grew closer to your target you found yourself able to make out arguing in the distance. You dropped into a crouch, creeping towards a line of ferns that separated you from the source of the agitated voices. Pambana's was most prominent "I told you already, the pride lands has rid itself of Scar. With him and his hyenas gone this is the perfect time to take the pride for ourselves." Upande replied with a quiet "A foe like that wouldn't just disappear overnight. Someone must have taken him out, and how can we be so sure we are a match for whoever it was?" Your eyes widen in surprise, you never thought these three would have heard of scar. You decide they must have attempted to take the pride lands before and failed. Your thoughts were interrupted, though, when Pambana continued "You let me and Makucha worry about that, we're working on gathering intel. For now just do what I told you to and keep laying markers. It'll be harder for them to track our scent if its everywhere at once, and maybe we'll find our target faster if he knows to be on edge." With that final command he stalked off into the tall grass.

        Just your luck, it was just you and Upande now. Carefully you broke the silence, emerging into the clearing with a small "Upande? Is it really you?" You tried to make yourself sound as meek and non-threatening as possible, a tactic you were aware would only work on him. If you tried it with the others they would certainly mistake it as an invitation for trouble. Upande's ears perked as he studied you, his eyes holding an unreadable expression "You... I remember you, Y/N. That is your name, right?" You nod, forcing a smile "I thought I would never see you again. I owe you my life." He seemed a bit taken aback, but let his guard down "What are you doing so far away? did something happen while we were gone?" You nod "There's little food to go around, so I was exiled to save resources. I thought you would have known by now," You tilt your head at him as you inch closer. Upande lifts his head and looks down at you "We have been busy. It has been a very long time since we've been back,  Pambana says its time we make our mark on a new pride." Just then he narrowed his eyes, his fur starting to stand on end as he asked "If you are with them it will jeopardize everything for us to leave you alive now." You gasp, shrinking back "No, no! I'm not a pridelander, I promise!" You found it strangely natural to say that out loud.  A newfound dread wormed its way in the back of your mind. Maybe you aren't a pridelander, but what about everything you've done for the sake of the pride lands? You wouldn't have time to think about that now, Upande suddenly springs forth and pins you to the ground. His lips curled back as he showed his teeth in a snarl "Then what are you doing in the pridelands? Explain how you've ended up here of all places!" You put your paws to his chest, holding him back with surprising strength "I'm just here for the resources, same as you! This is one of the only places with a watering hole, and the herds know that too." This explanation seems to satisfy him and he lets you up. 

        Upande looks around for a moment, most likely for his brothers, before saying "How long have you been here? What do you know about the pride?" This moment could be life or death. You need to gain his trust so you give him the one thing he's been looking for "Ive learned that this pride is led by a lion named Simba." Upande smiles for a moment "Just one? This is good news." A shiver runs up your spine as you regretted your decision. Before he could speak any further, though, your worse nightmare becomes a reality. Pambana pushes his way back into the clearing with a rough "Well well well, I was wondering when you were going to prove your worth. Dont think I didn't notice your scent, you were watching from the bushes." Your heart drops, but you know better than to fall back. Holding your ground you turn to face him "I was, what of it? Rogues like me need to know a death trap when they see one." He laughs "You were right to be weary, but now I think we can have some use for you." He starts to circle you, forcing you to spin to follow his gaze "Wouldn't you like that? To be useful? To be wanted." You gasp for breath, panic flooding you "I, wait, what are you saying?" You ask, trying to stop your voice from shaking. Pambana stops, his pelt brushing yours "Why don't you join us so we can talk about all your pride land adventures? Maybe then when we take over we'll let you live."

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