Chapter 4; Taji

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           Its been a few days since you sat with Simba under the stars. Since then you haven't had much time to talk with him. Today you've been sent with a group of lionesses to the border of the pride lands. With the rains delayed even farther and the herds starting to move on, Simba fears Hyenas may attempt to poach pride prey. they had been driven out of the pride lands after the fall of scar, but after the seasons passed they still held their greed and resentment for the lions.  Kasi offered to go with you and the rest of the battalion, a welcome inclusion. Kasi could out-speed any of those awkwardly trotting mutts. 

        As you near the edge of the pride-lands a chill goes down your spine. Vultures crowd around a leopard on the verge of death, the heat and hunger having weakened her enough for the disease to take hold. One of the lionesses, Imani, takes a step towards the front of the group "Shouldn't we do something? They'll die if we dont." You shake your head "And risk bringing the illness back into the pride? What would Simba think?" Simba's mother and mate had been taken by this plague. Kasi nodded "Its best to let nature take its course. Its already too late for them, and the vultures need to eat too."

       Your patrol circles back around to avoid the living corpse. As you trot along the desolate landscape you spot them. Hyenas, a whole cackle of them, heading deeper and deeper into the pride lands. You gasp and move to the front of the battalion "Kasi, circle around them while the rest of us move in and surround them. If they wont leave peacefully then we fight," You command, taking charge without even thinking about it. Kasi does as she was told and dashes far ahead, but her light pelt keeps her hidden amongst the dried grass. The hyenas, focused on hunting, failed to notice her or the rest of your battalion starting to close the distance. once you're in range you raise your tail, signaling for everyone to show themselves all at once. 

        The hyenas flinch and whimper, frightened by the sudden appearance of your group. Some tried to run only to find they're surrounded, but a large female held her ground. She snarled "Leave us be. Times are hard on all of us and you greedy lions have the last of the herds!" You raise your head and look down on her "The pride lands are the property of Simba. As his lionesses we are sworn to protect it. Leave now and no one gets hurt." The hyena raises her head in turn "I am Taji, and I fear no lion. If you want to starve us we wont go down without a fight." At her words the other hyenas regain their senses. You bare your teeth, your tail whipping through the grass "If its a fight you want you'll surely get it."

        Tensions are high in the air, your lionesses encircle the hyenas, but neither side wants to make the first move. Eventually you decide you've had enough and slash at one of the hyenas. Blood drips down your claws as the hyena stagers and whimpers, but a heartbeat later they lunge at you. You let out a roar of pain as they latch on to your shoulder. The fight breaks into full swing, you're outnumbered but the hyenas are weak from hunger. You grab the one on your shoulder by the scruff and throw them to the ground, crimson blood trickling down your leg. The hyena is winded from the impact, you use the opportunity to slam your powerful paws down on it.  It gasps from the blow, scampering away to catch their breath. Another jumps on you from behind, biting you as if you were prey. You yowl and twist around, trying to reach it. Eventually you get your jaws around its nose and peel its fangs away from your thin velvety pelt.

       Kasi is dashing in and out, landing slash after slash on the awkward beasts. From the corner of your gaze you notice movement in the grass, Taji, the leader of the hyenas, is sneaking up on her. You call to her and start running towards her but its too late. Taji lunges towards Kasi, bighting down on her hind leg. Kasi lets out a cry of pain but Taji holds on tight. You dash forward and slam your paws down, sinking your claws into Taji to attempt to pull her off. Taji lets go and twists to bite at your paws, but hyenas arent as flexible as lions. Rage fills your mind and you hold her down with one paw, gripping her skull with the other. Kasi holds the rest of the hyenas off long enough for you to sink your powerful jaws into Tajis throat and crush her wind-pipe. She whines and struggles, then goes still. You lift the now dead Taji up and roar, the hyenas starting to scamper away in a flurry of horrified barks and whimpers. 

            The rest of the lionesses roar with you, signifying your victory. Once the hyenas have gone you drop Taji and stumble. The bite marks on your shoulder and flank are deep and bleeding heavily. You feel your mind start to slip away as exhaustion takes hold. Kasi meets your fleeting gaze "(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Stay with me!" Despite her calls you find yourself unable to stay awake. You hit the ground, your vision going black.

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